Edit a User

  1. Click Menu () and then click Configurations.
  2. Click Configurations : User Management ().
  3. Select the user you want to edit and click Edit User ().
  4. Complete required changes under Personal area:
    • First Name: Enter the name of the user
    • Last Name: Enter the surname
    • Assign Group: Select one or multiple groups from the drop-down list:
      The default groups are:
      • ADMIN
      • APP_USER
      • USER
  5. Complete the required changes under Login area:
    • Email: Enter the user email address.
    • (Optional) Click Send New Temporary Password.
    • (Optional) Select Use the email address as the username.
  6. Complete required changes under Contact area:
    • (Optional) Phone: Enter the user phone number
    • (Optional) Street: Enter the user street address
    • (Optional) City: Enter the user city
    • (Optional) State: Enter the user state
    • (Optional) Zip: Enter the user zip code
    • (Optional) Country: Enter the user country
  7. Click Save and wait until a Save successful message is displayed.
  8. Click Close to return to the User Management dashboard.