Permission Groups

A group is a set of permissions that defines the type of access associated to each component within Intelligent Track and Trace.

About Permission Groups

Fine-grained access control is implemented via permission groups. As a founder admin, you are allowed to:
  • Create and edit custom groups
  • Assign permissions to groups
  • Delete custom groups

As a user, you may be assigned to one or more permission groups. If you are a member of more than one group, you will have the combined access and functionality of all the assigned groups.

Note: A group must contain at least one permission.

Example use case

If you are assigned to permission Group A with one set of permissions and also to permission Group B with another set of permissions, the final set of permissions you are entitled to is the union of all the permissions defined in group A and in group B.

The following table illustrates the multiple group scenario.

Group A Group B User X (Group A + Group B)
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Types of Permission Groups

There are two types of permission groups:

  • Predefined groups
    Predefined groups are the preconfigured groups. Each group is created with a predefined user type role in your environment. You cannot create, edit, or delete predefined groups. These are:
    • ADMIN
    • USER
    • APP_USER
  • Custom groups
    Custom permission groups define access control based on a user type in your business environment. You can add or modify custom permission groups, add users to these groups, or delete the groups if no users are assigned to it. The two categories are: