
Trading partners are entities that do business together. In a supply chain network, trading partner participates in transactions such as creating purchase orders, processing sales order, tracking shipments etc. These are key personas in Intelligent Track and Trace that forms the business network and exchange transaction documents.

In Intelligent Track and Trace, trading partners are digital placeholders of your business partners. Based on the role trading partners plays your network, they are classified into three types.

Founder is the owner of the business network. They create the network and invite the other organizations (endorsing and participating partners) to join the network. Founder on-boards the partners of different types, and manages access. Being the owner of the network, founder has its own dedicated ledger, can define own set of rules and policies, manage and validate all transaction documents written to the ledger, and has visibility across all the documents exchanged in the supply chain.

Endorsing Trading Partners are participants along with founder in the business network. Each transaction may have one or more organizations as the participants. Like Founder, they can have their own dedicated ledgers, maintain their own set of rules and policies, validate the transaction documents they own, and manage what is written to their ledger.

Participating Trading Partners are the lightweight organizations that do not have dedicated ledgers. They submit documents for the business steps they are identified as submitter by the founder. They have limited visibility to the network and business processes, and cannot perform any validations.