Understand Roles and Users

How you interact with Intelligent Track and Trace depends on two aspects–your organization's role within the business network, and your role within the organization.

Intelligent Track and Trace supports three types of organizations in the business network— founder, endorsing trading partner, and participating trading partner. Founder is the owner of the Intelligent Track and Trace instance, and is responsible for inviting the trading partners to join and register with the application. Apart from organization's role, founder and each of the trading partners are also responsible for creating appropriate user roles. The visibility of the application's features and functionality depends on the user role granted to you. For each organization type, Intelligent Track and Trace has a predefined set of user groups:

  • Founder
    • Administrator: The application administrator configures and maintains the application. Users with this role have super-user privileges. An administrator can create, modify, delete and maintain all the entities in the business network. It has visibility to track and trace all the business assets, and view end-to-end matrices, analytics and business insights collected and calculated by Intelligent Track and Trace.
    • Integration User Group: The application user can only post transaction documents using the published REST API. As an integration user, you cannot login to the application, or perform any operation.
    • Web Application User Group: All users in the founder organization assigned this role.
  • Endorsing Trading Partners
    • Administrator: The application administrator can do everything with the domain of the endorsing trading partner.
    • Integration User Group: The application user can only post transaction documents using REST APIs, within the domain of the endorsing trading partner. As an integration user, you cannot login to the application, or perform any operation.
    • Web Application User Group: Users with this role are basic users of endorsing trading partner organization.
  • Participating Trading Partners
    • Administrator: The application administrator can do everything with the domain of the participating trading partner.
    • Integration User Group : The application user can only post transaction documents using REST API, within the domain of the participating trading partner.
    • Web Application Group: Users belong to this group are basic users of participating trading partner organization
Permissions Founder Endorsing Trading Partner Participating Trading Partner
Functionality Web Application Users Integration Users Admin Web Application Users Integration Users Admin Web Application Users Integration Users Admin
Runtime Yes No Yes Yes* No Yes Yes No Yes
Configuration No No Yes No No Yes* No No No
Simulation No No Yes No No No No No No
Trading Partner Management No No Yes No No No No No No
User Management No No Yes* No No Yes* No No Yes*
Post Documents Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes*

Yes* – These operations are permitted but only for their own organization. For example, Endorsing Trading Partner Admins can modify the configuration for business flow steps for which their organization is assigned as submitter.