Upload Item Types from a CSV file

In addition to creating new item types individually, now use the Upload Item Types option to add new item types in bulk to .

To upload item types, as a founder admin, first download the CSV file template, add item types inventory details, such as item name, type code, UOM code, and item type image, and attributes, and then upload the file in a zip format to .
  1. Click Menu () and then click Configurations.
  2. Click Item Types ().
  3. On the Configurations : Item Types dashboard, you can either select Create new Item Type or Upload Item Types.
  4. Click Upload Item Types.
    A drawer will slide open from the right side of the Configurations : Item Types dashboard.
  5. Click Download CSV template.
    A CSV file template is downloaded on your computer.
  6. In a CSV file, add the item types details as per the instructions given in the template file.

    The following sample CSV file provides the structure of adding new item types.

  7. (Optional) You can retain the default filename or rename as per your choice.
  8. Add CSV file and image(s) file(s) in a ZIP bundle.
    Note: Create a zip file directly by selecting CSV file and the referenced image files added in the CSV file, without adding them in to a folder.
  9. Go to Upload Item Types drawer, select the zip file from your computer, drag and drop it over the Drag and Drop area.
    You can view the upload status under the Upload Details area.

    The upload status may vary based on the correctness of the zipped CSV file.

    • Completed: When the zipped file contains no errors.

    • Completed With Errors: When the zipped CSV file data is populated correctly but the required reference file is not part of the zip bundle. For example, an image name is added in the CSV file but the image file is missing in the zip bundle.

      You can also download the error report by clicking the Download Error Report.

  10. The overall upload activity status and error report information can be viewed by selecting one of the following options:
    • Use the Upload Activity Logs link to view the upload status and error report.
    • Click the Activity Log () icon to view the upload status.

      The () icon lets you download the error report.

  11. Click Close to return to the Configurations : Item Types dashboard.


Verify that the item types added using the CSV file appears in the list of item types.