View Trading Partner Details

View details about a trading partner, including its status, role, users allocated, and locations.

  1. Click Menu () and then click Configurations.
  2. Click Users Management ().

    The Trading Partners tab under Configurations : User Management shows the list of Trading Partners along with all the relevent information:

  3. Select the any Trading Partner from the trading partner list or click Show Details under Actions to view the complete information of the selected trading partner.
    • Status: Indicates the status of the trading partner. Status can be any one of the following values - Invited, Activated, or Registered.
    • Type: Indicates the trading partner category.
    • Users: The value is displayed in the format—Total users allocated/Users currently configured.
    • Roles: Specifies the role of the trading partner. The value of this field is customer defined, and is populated when you add the trading partner to the network.
    • Primary User: Email and contact details of the admin user.
    • Primary Address: Specifies the primary or secondary location of the trading partner.
    Note: The location card allows you to edit the primary or secondary trading partner location. The delete option is available only for the secondary location.
    Note: Users with Trading Partner View - Provides read-only access to Trading Partners Configuration page will only have viewing access to the trading partners details page. In this case, the Edit details and Add Location options are not available.