View Document Processing Diagnostics

View detailed diagnostics data for all failed document submissions.

Documents submitted to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace can fail due to multiple reasons, such as document processing failure, blockchain processing failure, simulator processing failure, or business flow processing failure. As a document submitter, you should be able to identify the reason of failure, and retry submitting the document once the error is fixed. Diagnostic functionality enables you to identify the submitted transaction documents that have not been successfully processed and recorded. You can also view the processing stage at which the error occurred, along with the various generated artifacts to help you diagnose the error.

As a founder, you can see all the transaction documents submitted by you and all trading partners. However, once the error is fixed, you can re-submit only those documents for which you are the submitter.

As a trading partner, you can view, retry, or discard document submission for which you are the submitter.

  1. Click Menu () and then click Monitoring.
  2. Click Document Processing Diagnostics ().

    The Document Processing Diagnostics dashboard is displayed.

    Document Processing Diagnostic dashboard provides a birds-eye-view of all the failed document submissions in the application.

    Metric Description
    Document Processing Specifies the number of documents failed during document processing.
    Business Flow Processing Specifies the number of documents failed during business flow processing.
    Blockchain Processing Specifies the number of documents failed during recording data on blockchain.
    Document Type Metrics Specifies the number of documents failed for each document type configured in the application.
    Integration Processing Specifies the number of documents failed during integration processing.
    Simulator Processing Specifies the number of documents failed during simulator processing. This error is recorded when simulator fails to generate document or if the generated document fails validation.

    A detailed list of all failed event types is displayed which enables you to diagnose the error and retry the document submission once the error is resolved.

    Field Description
    Submitter Specifies the name of the submitter.
    Timestamp Specifies the date and time when the failure is observed.
    Event Type Specifies the event during which the Document failure was observed—Document Processing, Business Flow Processing, Simulator Processing or Blockchain Processing.
    Document Specifies the document id associated with the failed Document.
    Document Type Specifies the type of document.
    Document Variant Specifies the definition variant name of the document type.
    Business Flow Specifies the name of the business flow in which the failure occurred.
    Last Replayed Specifies the date and time when the document is submitted again after fixing the error.
  3. Click Document () icon to download and view the document in which the error is observed.
  4. Click Show Diagnostic Details () to view the details about the error occurred.
  5. Click Replay document () to retry submitting the document once the error is resolved.
  6. Click Discard error () to discard failed document.
  7. Click Refresh to retry all Documents.
  8. To replay submission of selective documents, click the Selected check boxes for the specific failure records, and click Replay Selected Documents.
  9. To delete a few failure records, click the Selected check boxes for the specific failure records, and click Discard Selected Errors.