What Can You Do With Oracle VB Studio?

Using VB Studio, you might want to add additional capabilities into Track and Trace application by making various customizations that are managed as part of the same Intelligent Track and Trace web application.

Based on customer requirement, you might want to enhance the existing UI pages, such as displaying custom fields, create dynamic layouts or embedding custom content in a dynamic container in a page.

Example Use Case

Let's look at a common use case to understand how Visual Builder Studio helps you achieve the desired results.

A simple use case where as a textile industry, your customer wants to know if the silk or cotton balls used in the processed yarn are procured from a licensed plantations or would like to view the quality analysis report of the raw material to ensure that the procurement of raw material does not violate any legal or licensing obligations laid out by the government or regulatory body.

To fulfill such specific requirements, you might want to enhance the existing UI to provide licensing and QA information alongside what is currently provided for a given transaction flow. For such specific requirements, VB Studio gives you a freedom and control to access Intelligent Trace and Trace REST APIs with all the required tools to make necessary modifications of a document view to provide an end-to-end tracking of an entire procurement process followed by your organization.