5Available Interfaces

Schema Files

This chapter lists each schema file and a description of the interfaces defined within it. The schema file will contain the detailed definition and documentation for each interface.


Shipment.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
ActualShipment Third parties send actual shipments to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud, which define the working or final form of a shipment. Y N
PlannedShipment Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud builds planned shipments and can send them to involved parties, to service providers as part of the tender process or to a warehouse management system (WMS). N Y
ShipmentStatus Service providers and other third parties transmit shipment event information to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud with the ShipmentStatus interface. Shipment status information describes activity on shipments and shipment groups. For example, you can use shipment statuses to determine whether a shipment is running on time or whether it is late. In addition, you can send vessel and flight information, and equipment service provider and order information. Based on shipment status information it receives, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud can re-plan a shipment. Y Y
SShipUnit Queries for and updates a shipment ship unit without direct knowledge of the owning shipment. Y N
ShipmentLink Identifies related shipments at a consolidation or de-consolidation pool for both inbound and outbound interfaces. Y N
ShipStop Used to modify specific stop related information for a shipment as an alternative to sending the whole shipment. Y N
Equipment Defines the equipment that can be assigned to a shipment. Y Y
ShipmentGroup Used to define a group of shipments. Y Y
TenderOffer Once a shipment has been planned, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud sends a tender offer to a service provider. The tender offer provides a contract for the service provider to carry a particular shipment. N Y
TenderResponse Service provider response to accept or decline a previous TenderOffer interface message. Y N
ShipmentGroupTenderOffer Used to send a tender offer for a group of shipments to a service provider. N Y
BookingLineAmendment Used to send booking line changes out of the system. N Y
Voyage Used to send world-wide vessel schedule information to external systems. Voyage schedules define the rotation of a carrier's vessel as the vessel goes from a set of loading points (departure ports) to a set of unloading ports (arrival ports). N Y
DemurrageTransaction Used to communicate the fees charged (demurrage) by a carrier to a customer for the use of assets beyond a contracted free time for loading and unloading. N Y
CharterVoyage Represents an ocean transport movement by a carrier from a loading port to a discharge port. Y Y
Consol Used to specify the shipment consolidator. A consol can be created for a charter voyage or air schedule (flight). Y Y
Driver Sends and receives driver data to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud which includes basic personal information, CDL information, driver types, driver team data, status, remarks, etc. Y Y
PowerUnit Sends and receives power unit (such as a tractor) data to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. This information includes power unit name, power unit type, special services, remarks, etc. Y Y
Device Used to send device logon and logoff messages to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud.
DriverCalendarEvent Specifies a driver calendar event, which describes calendar event information on a driver. Y N


Order.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
TransOrder Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud receives transportation orders from external systems. These orders can include basic information such as IDs, pick-up and delivery dates, service providers, and details such as ship units or line items. It represents orders which can be shipped as one or more 'released' amounts called an Order Release. Y Y
TransOrderLink Used to establish a link between order base objects. Provides the ability to maintain orders in various states along with their relationships. Y N
Release Transmits Order Release information to and from Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. An order release represents the shippable portion of a transportation order. Y Y
TransOrderStatus Sets order base status events. Y N
ReleaseInstruction Allows you to specify line items and ship units, and release specific quantities of them for a particular order base. Y N
Quote The Quote Interface allows customer service representatives to supply their customers with transportation quotes. N Y
OBShipUnit Contains information on ship units in an order base. N Y
OBLine Contains information on lines in an order base. N Y
OrderMovement Represents part of the routing for an order. It is also a collection of ship units that are unplanned for certain part of a route. Y Y


GTM.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
GtmContact Represents a Global Trade Management party. Y Y
GtmTransaction Represents a Global Trade Management trade transaction for the screening of shipment and/or order release information. Y Y
GtmTransactionLine Represents a Global Trade Management trade transaction line. N Y
GtmRegistration Represents the registrations existing in external systems that are relevant for trade purposes. Global Trade Management Cloud supports different type of registrations: for parties (e.g. legal entities, company branches, customers, carriers, etc.) and for items. Y Y
GtmStructure Represents Trade Item Structure (bill of material) to identify components that make up a single sellable product or item. Y N
GtmDeclaration Represents a Global Trade Management Customs Declaration. Examples could be: import shipment, export shipment, inter-state shipment. The interface can be also used to pass the shipments information including charges and relevant information to an external system such as an ERP Inventory Receiving or Landed Cost Management application. Y Y
GtmDeclarationMessage This Element maintains the information related to messages exchanged between different parties involved in the process of a Customs Declaration.
GtmBond Represents bond or guarantee related information. Y N

Request/Reply style interface to request the execution one of a number of services:-

  • Compliance Rule Screening
  • License Determination
  • Item Classification Screening
  • Restricted Party Screening
  • Sanctioned Territory Screening
ServiceResponse Request/Reply style interface reply to the ServiceRequest. N Y


Finance.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
Accrual Used to transmit the allocated freight cost accrued or paid against orders. This can be used to communicate changes or differences in an order's allocated freight cost to other external systems. These differences, for example, could be used to establish liabilities in an accounting or general ledger system. N Y
Billing Sends transmissions to an accounting system for customer billing. The billing information represents the amount owed by a customer to the planner of a shipment. The billing transmission includes the customer who is being charged and details of the bill such as the amount due, the date due, and any discount information. N Y
AllocationBase Sends order release allocation cost information to an order owner. Allocation is a method for dividing the cost of a shipment among its order releases based on the line items and ship units on the shipment. Messages can be sent for planned and actual shipments. N Y
Invoice Represents what is owed to the service provider or other third parties for transporting the shipment. The message content contains details about the payment and the specific transportation activity for which payment is owed. Y N
Voucher Transmits payment information. A voucher represents the cost of a shipment owed to a third party such as a service provider and is designed to be sent after it has matched a third party charge to a shipment and approved the charge for payment. N Y
FinancialSystemFeed Sends billing and shipment cost allocation information to an external financial system based on shipments (buy or sell). Can be used as an alternative to using Invoices or Bills as the source for financial information. N Y
Claim Used to specify information for damaged shipments. A claim consists of any freight damage that occurs to a shipment prior to taking ownership/responsibility of the shipment. Y Y
WorkInvoice Includes a record of driver activities for a shipment. This is the record sent to payroll and used to calculate driver pay. Y Y
ExchangeRate Exchange Rate specifies the effective and expiration date for a set of currency conversions. Y Y


LocationContact.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
Location A place where transportation related activities, such as loading and unloading freight, occur. In addition, a location is a corporation, and/or a service provider. Use the location element to transmit location information, for the Transportation Orders interface. Y Y
Contact Defines a person or party that can be contacted through Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. Y Y
ContactGroup Represents a list of contacts used for notification Y Y
ActivityTimeDef This interface is used to specify fields for allowing multiple fixed and variable stop times for each location role based on transport handling unit and commodity. Y Y
PartySite Defines the association between a Party (Contact) and a Site (Location) Y Y


Item.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound

Transmits item master data to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. Item master data represents the freight being shipped and includes :

  • Item numbers
  • Descriptions
  • Packaging details
  • Applicable NMFC, STCC, SITC, or HTS codes
  • General ledger ID
  • Accessorial charges

Item master data must exist in Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud before you can create transportation orders.

Item Transmits item data to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. Differs from Item master interface in that it only relates to Item and not Packaging. Y Y
HazmatItem Sends and receive records for particular hazardous items. Y Y
HazmatGeneric Transmits hazardous material based on the shipping name for an item. Y Y
Sku Defines a stock keeping unit including what quantities to keep in stock, and the actual amount in the warehouse. Y Y
SkuTransaction Represents a shipment of SKUs arriving or leaving the warehouse. Y N
SkuEvent Specifies a SKU event, which describes activities on SKU's Y Y
PartnerItem Represents the information for an item as referenced in partner external system. Y Y


Planning.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
Itinerary Define the path between two locations and specifies the constraints for building the shipment. Y N
XLane Defines a link from a source to a destination. The source and destination may specify either general or specific geography. For example, a source could be an exact location, or an entire state. May also contain mileage information. Y N

Defines the distance between points for a particular lane. Lanes may contain specific or general geographic information, such as:

  • Zip code to zip code
  • City to city
  • State to state
  • Zip code to city
  • City to state
  • Address to address
  • City to address
  • State to address
RouteTemplate Route template represents the plan for a cooperative route. A cooperative route is a linking of lanes that have been identified to have sufficient recurring volume of shipments to form a good route for a fleet or dedicated vehicle. Y Y
BulkPlan Describes the orders that Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud planned and the shipments that Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud created. N Y
BulkRating Describes rating statistics on the orders that Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud planned and the shipments that Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud created. N Y
BulkTrailerBuild Describes the shipment groups created during the bulk trailer build process. N Y
BulkContMove Describes the shipments that were selected and linked during a given run of bulk continuous move. N Y
FleetBulkPlan This is used to provide statistics about the fleet resource assignments that were created to the planned shipments during a given run of fleet bulk plan. N Y
ServiceTime Transmits the time it takes to go between the two locations of a Lane. Service time information can also be included as part of the Mileage interface. Y N


Configuration.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
User Represents a Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud user. Y N
CSVDataLoad CSVDataLoad provides the capability to embed the contents of a CSV file for insertion into the database. Each CSVDataLoad element can contain only one CSV File. This element should only be used for small sets of data. Y N


Document.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
Document Provides a consistent way to send and receive business documents in and out of the system. Business documents are objects that contain the contents of a traditional document, like a bill of lading for example, in electronic format. Y Y


GenericTransaction.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
Topic Raises a topic and gets Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud to start processing an object. Y N
GenericStatusUpdate Updates properties – status, remark, reference number and indicator – of various business objects including Location, Order Base, and Order Release etc. See schema documentation for a complete list. Y N
RemoteQuery Queries Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud for
  • Rating information, based on service provider, transportation mode, quantity, locations, and/or dates of a shipment.
  • Shipment information
  • Transmission Report – the processing result of a previous transmission.
RemoteQueryReply Provides Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud's response to a RemoteQuery interface message N Y
TransactionAck An external system sends a TransactionAck to acknowledge receipt and processing of a transaction. Y N
DataQuerySummary Sends a summary of the data required by an external system. N Y


Job.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
Job Sends data that addresses how logistics services providers and freight forwarders manage the services they provide within Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. A Job offers a workspace that brings together the objects and activities required of them. Y Y


Rate.xsd Interfaces

Interface Description Inbound Outbound
RATE_OFFERING Represents a general contract with a service provider. It indicates what rate offering data was used to rate the shipment. N Y
RATE_GEO Provides specific costing or rating data from one place to another. It indicates what rate record data was used to rate the shipment. N Y


This schema does not define any external interfaces. It defines the common Ship Unit related structures needed by the other schemas; primarily Shipment.xsd and Order.xsd.