11Setting Up Interfaces

General Information

The following general information helps you set up your interfaces. If an interface has specific setup requirements, they are found with the pages defining each interface.

To set up interfaces, you must define where to send transmissions and what to do with the transmissions Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud receives. Information throughout Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud acts interdependently; one piece of information depends on another to perform an action. For some interfaces to work, data from other sources must already be present in Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. For example, before you can create a shipment, you must create itineraries.

Define External Systems

To send transmissions to other systems, you must define the systems in Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud using the External System Manager.

User Management

You must add service providers as users and enter user associations for them. To perform user management functions, log in to the SERVPROV with a username that contains administrator (ADMIN) rights.

  • Define service providers as users in Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud.
  • Define associations for the service providers.

Workflow Parameters

In Power Data, define workflow parameters that determine how Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud responds to inbound and outbound transmissions. You define Workflow Power Data topics to define the way the tendering shipments works.

  • Workflow Parameters: Use the Workflow Parameters to define how Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud tenders shipments. You also define shipment notification messages. For example, you define information, warning, and fatal messages that Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud sends out as the results of status information sent by service providers about particular shipments.
  • Workflow Trigger Parameters: Use the Workflow Trigger Parameters to define how often Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud performs tender activity. This topic helps you control system performance. For example, if Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud is performing tender actions too frequently, your system performance may be slowed.

Agent Manager

The Automation Agent Manager lets you construct workflow agents that are key components to automate Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. A workflow agent listens for an Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud event, verifies a user-defined condition, and runs one or more actions that you choose from an action library.