Consol Interface

The Consol interface is used to specify the shipment consolidator. It is supported on both the inbound and the outbound. A consol can be created for a charter voyage or air schedule (flight).

A charter voyage consol represents the weight, volume, FEU/TEU capacities of a specific stowage mode on a specific charter voyage. It captures the allocated, maximum, committed, booked, and produced capacity values when the status of a consol is changed as a result of booking orders on a shipment that is related to the consol.

For a freight forwarder, the consol is considered a group of house bills or a set of sell shipments. All actions related to manipulating a consol should be performed from the perspective of a sell shipment. For example, adding freight to a consol would be performed by selecting sell shipments to add to consol.

For example, a freight forwarder starts with a group of house bills or a set of sell shipments. They have also reserved flights. For each flight reservation, there is a consol for defining the reserved capacity of the flight. The sell shipments are then booked to consols to create buy shipments.