Message Status

Each message sent into Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud has a status field that indicates the state of the message. In addition, the content of the message is stored in the transmission table which also has its associated status. You can view the status for a message in the Message Hub Manager UI that can be accessed via the following menu: Business Process Automation > Integration > Message Hub Manager. The status of the message, and its related transmission, could be one of the following:

Message Statuses

Message Status Related Transmission Status Description
RECEIVED MESSAGE Indicates that the message is initially received in the message table, with the content stored in the transmission table.


(dependent on Transmission processing)

Indicates the message is being processed. If the Message Type for the received message indicates a Transmission is to be generated and processed, then the status of the Transmission will be initially changed to FRESH and will be handled by normal transmission processing.


(dependent on Transmission processing)

Indicates that the message successfully completed processing.


(dependent on Transmission processing)

Indicates that the message had completed processing and there were errors in the processing.