Monitoring Integration Data Queues

In addition to its primary task of administering the data queues themselves, the Data Queue Manager is also used to monitor the activity of events on each queue via the Events action button. This provides access to a Finder/Results screen from where all events for a queue can be listed and individual event details can be viewed. The majority of information is generic to all Data Queues e.g. Process Time, and Log Process ID. The following sections describe the Integration Data Queue specific data.

Inbound Events

All inbound events have an associated transmission number. In normal processing, when a transmission is sent to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud, the XML is persisted in the transmission tables with an initial status of STAGED and a New XML event is published almost immediately. Once the New XML event processing has started the status is changed to FRESH. When the Inbound Data Queue is active, the XML is persisted in the transmission tables with a status of STAGED and the New XML event is persisted in the data queue table. Consequently, transmissions can remain in this STAGED status for much longer.

Inbound events can also be preempted. In other words, events already present in the data queue can be selected for processing ahead of other events that may have been inserted before it. By selecting an event for preemption, the Q_PREEMPTION_PRIORITY is set to the lowest value in the data queue table. This will ensure the next POLLER will retrieve the selected event.

Outbound Events

Outbound events may go through two event queues: XML Build and Transport. The XML Build process happens before a transmission record has been created and so these events do not have an available transmission number. They do, however, have a Notification Context that shows the object type of the communication, such as Location, and one or more object GIDs.

The display of the context is limited to approximately 4000 characters and so if the context is greater than this it will not be displayed.

As with inbound events, outbound events can be preempted.

However, unlike inbound events, outbound event priority can be set when the data queue event is staged in the data queue table. The priority value is managed via the External System where it can be set alongside an OUT XML PROFILE for a particular interface Element e.g. PlannedShipment.