Order-Centric Modifications

Most modifications via this interface are based around shipment ship units (SShipUnit). In these cases, all weight, volume, quantities, and rating are based on shipment ship units. If you would like to modify shipments based on order information, you can do so by using the following sub-elements in the ShipmentHeader element:

  • ShipmentModViaOrderLine
  • ShipmentModViaOrderSU

When these two elements are used in the ShipmentHeader, the following logic will be used instead of the standard Shipment Interface logic:

  1. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud will only interact with the order line level or order ship unit information instead of the shipment ship unit level information.
  2. The logic addressing shipment modifications will change the number of order ship units involved and allocate the delta in the ship unit counts across multiple ship units.
  3. The modified order ship unit count will be properly propagated and the related business objects (shipments and order movements) will be updated across legs.
  4. The modified gross weight and volume will be updated per ship unit. This would then be reflected in the shipment total gross weight and volume, which impacts the shipment cost. This should only be applied when the AffectsCurrentLegOnly element is set to 'N'.

Both of these elements will only be included once on the shipment. There is no need to repeat this data for both the pickup stop and the delivery stop. Since the Shipment Interface is defined the same on the inbound and the outbound, you can only specify one way for the modification to happen, either at the order line level or the ship unit level.


The ShipmentModViaOrderLine element will contain all of the counts, weights, and volumes for that order (order release, order release line, or order base) that is being shipped on this shipment across all the shipment ship units.


The ShipmentModViaOrderSU element, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud will loop through all the ship units that are on the shipment that have the same order ship unit GID (ob_ship_unit_gid or or_ship_unit_gid).

The inbound XML will accept this data into Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud when you are doing a modify transaction. When the integration brings in this modification it will call business logic that will apply allocation rules and perform the appropriate updates.

Data Requirements

To send shipments and perform planning actions, you must make decisions about the way you want Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud to perform certain actions.

Sending Shipments (Shipment as Work)

Send shipments that do not have orders associated with them to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud for processing using the Shipment interface. This type of shipment is known as a shipment as work or manual shipment; it can include order level information, but not necessarily. These shipments are not bundled, re-consolidated, or re-sequenced.

A shipment as work must have at least one pickup and one delivery location. A shipment as work is not associated with an itinerary.

Note: To indicate that the shipment you are sending to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud is a shipment as work, enter Y in the ShipmentAsWork element.

When a Shipment as Work is received, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud can be set to automatically perform certain actions defined in public workflow agents in the Agent Manager.

To ensure best possible performance, you should let Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud process your actual shipments in parallel. To do this, either send only one actual shipment per transmission or follow these steps:

  • In the TransmissionHeader, set IsProcessInSequence to N.
  • Send all the actual shipments in one Transmission.

See the Shipment Manager help for a detailed description of manual shipments.

If you insert a new shipment and omit the end_date, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud sets the end_date to the same date as the start_date.