Topic Interface

This inbound interface allows you to raise a topic and get Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud to start processing an object. Currently Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud supports BuildBuySideShipments and BuildSellSideShipments that allows you to start bulk planning. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud also supports clearing caches using the interface.

Note: Make sure Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud has released all your TransOrders before sending the Topic element to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud.
Note: When including other transactions in the same transmission as the Topic transaction, make the Topic transaction the last in the transmission.

The table lists what each element should contain.

Examples of What Topic Interface Elements Should Contain

TopicAliasName TopicArgName TopicArgValue
BuildBuySideShipments savedQuery query_name, e.g. YELLOW_ORDER_REL
BuildSellSideShipments savedQuery query_name, e.g. YELLOW_ORDER_REL
glog.server.workflow.adhoc.ClearCaches cache partial or full string matching the cache name, e.g. RateOffering
zone zone name, e.g. Rating or Business
exactMatch true, if the cache match should be exact