TransOrder Interface (INO)

Create, modify, or delete order information through the TransOrder interface.

Insert New Order and Release Order Line

This procedure shows you how to:

  • insert a new order
  • release all or part of an order line
  • build shipments from the order release

Required Data

To send an order to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud, certain information related to the order must already exist in Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. For example, you must have a valid itinerary, rate, locations, and so on.


You control validation of incoming transmissions with the glog.integration.validation property.

What Data Goes into the Transmission?

  1. Set the TransactionCode to I. A transaction code of UI or IU works too.
  2. If you do not want to enter values for the TransOrderGID, TransOrderLineGID, ShipUnitGID, or OrderReleaseGID elements, you can have Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud automatically generate GIDs. Automatic generation of GIDs only works for a transaction code of I.
    Note: If a transaction code of IU is used, then a TransOrderGID must be provided.
  3. Populate the ProcessingCodeGID to tell Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud how to plan the shipments from the order release.
  4. Populate the TransOrderLineDetail element, including the PackagedItemCount, WeightVolume/Weight, and WeightVolume/Volume under TransOrderLineDetail/TransOrderLine/ItemQuantity/ to specify the order lines. You can set all but one of them to 0, if your setup uses the same kind of quantity to release.
  5. Set TransOrderLineDetail/TransOrderLine/ItemQuantity/IsShippable = N.
  6. Populate the amount to release in the TransOrderHeader/ReleaseInstruction/QuantityToRelease element.

    If you omit the ReleaseInstruction, set TransOrderLineDetail/TransOrderLine/ItemQuantity/IsShippable = Y to have Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud create an order release for all of your order lines.

  7. If your order base is coded in a format other than the supported format you need to transform your TransOrder transmission into the Transmission schema, you can use Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud's transform feature to do this.
  8. If you want to change the level of validation for this transmission, you can include a processing instruction to set the desired level. By default, TransOrder validation is turned on.
  9. See the online help for a description of the fields.
  10. See the TransOrder Diagram in the XML schema to learn which elements are required. To view the diagrams use an XML application like XML Spy.

Transmission Results

  1. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud receives your transmission and starts to process it internally.
  2. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud starts the public Order Base - Insert agent.

    If the current date is outside the effective date/expiration date window of your TransOrder, the agent cannot create order releases. You must release the TransOrder via the process manager. There you can release all orders which have release instructions, but whose release has not been processed.

    If you use the UI or IU transaction codes and the record exists already, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud starts the public Order Base - Modify agent instead.

  3. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud raises events that in turn can trigger Notifications to be sent.

Error Messages

If you receive a TransmissionReport, check for integration messages.

Insert New TransOrder and Release ShipUnit

Auto-releasing ship units is consistent with order base lines. This procedure shows you how to:

  • insert a new order
  • release all or some ship units on the order base
  • build shipments from the order release

Required Data

To send an order to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud, certain information related to the order must already exist in Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. For example, you must have a valid itinerary, rate, locations, and so on.


You control validation of incoming transmissions with the glog.integration.validation property.

What Data Goes into the Transmission?

  1. Set the TransactionCode to I. A transaction code of UI or IU works too.
  2. If you do not want to enter values for the TransOrderGID, ShipUnitGID, or OrderReleaseGID elements, you can have Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud automatically generate GIDs. Automatic generation of GIDs only works for a transaction code of I.
    Note: If a transaction code of IU is used, then a TransOrderGID must be provided.
  3. Populate the ProcessingCodeGID to tell Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud how to plan the shipments from the order release.
  4. Populate the TransOrder/ShipUnitDetail element.
  5. To be able to track your ship unites as they propagate through Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud as order release ship units and shipment ship units, you might want to include a unique ID in the ShipUnitDetail/ShipUnit/ShipUnitContent/ItemQuantity/ItemTag1 element. Also, there is a TransOrderShipUnitGID element in Release/ShipUnit that can help you track ship units.
  6. Set ShipUnitDetail/ShipUnit/IsShippable to Y to have Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud create an order release for all your order base ship units.
  7. If you omit the IsShippable element or set it to N, you need to populate the amount to release in the TransOrderHeader/ReleaseInstruction/QuantityToRelease element. With this option, you can specify the number of ship units to be released in the ReleaseInstruction/ShipUnitReleaseCount element.
  8. You can override all dates and locations from the ShipUnitDetail with other settings in the ReleaseInstruction.
  9. If you want to change the level of validation for this transmission, you can include a processing instruction to set the desired level. By default, TransOrder validation is turned on.
  10. See the Order Base Manager online help for a description of the fields.
  11. See the TransOrder Diagram in the XML schema to learn which elements are required. To view the diagrams use an XML application like XML Spy.

Transmission Results

  1. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud receives your transmission and starts to process it internally.
  2. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud starts the public Order Base - Insert agent.
  3. It finds the unprocessed release instructions with a release date <= the current date.
  4. If the current date is outside the effective date/expiration date window of your TransOrder, the agent cannot create order releases. You must release the TransOrder via the process manager. There you can release all orders which have release instructions, but whose release has not been processed.
  5. If you use the UI or IU transaction codes and the record exists already, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud starts the public Order Base - Modify agent instead.
  6. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud raises events that in turn can trigger notifications to be sent.

Modify Order Base with Lines

In this scenario, you can just update the information in an order base or you can update and release the full amount specified for the TransOrderLine.

Required Data



You control validation of incoming transmissions with the glog.integration.validation.orderinterface property.

What Data Goes into the Transmission?

  1. Set the TransactionCode to U. A transaction code of UI or IU works too.
  2. If your update is to delete only a couple of fields in the OrderBase, use the Value to Null Field symbol.
  3. If you want Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud to release all your order lines, set IsShippable = Y.

    With IsShippable=Y, you should omit the ReleaseInstruction element, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud releases the full weight, volume, or count (depending on If you set IsShippable=Y and include a ReleaseInstruction, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud releases your order twice. One full order release based on the parameter in and another order release based on the ReleaseInstruction element.

  4. If you want to change the level of validation for this transmission, you can include a processing instruction to set the desired level. By default, TransOrder validation is turned on.
  5. See the Order Base Manager online help for a description of the fields.
  6. See the TransOrder Diagram in the XML schema to learn which elements are required. To view the diagrams use an XML application like XML Spy.
  7. To update date fields with NULL values, submit a value of '~' in the date element(s) of the inbound TransOrder XML.

Transmission Results

  1. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud receives your transmission and starts to process it internally.
  2. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud starts the public Order Base - Modify agent.

    If you use the UI or IU transaction codes and the record does not exist already, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud starts the public Order Base - Insert agent instead.

  3. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud raises events that in turn can trigger Notifications to be sent.

Error Messages

If you receive a TransmissionReport, check for integration messages.

Modify ShipUnits

The following ways update the ship unit information (quantities, weights, volumes, etc.) on a shipment via integration:

  • Use ActualShipment. This interface provides complete control of all the fields in the Shipment.
  • Use SShipUnit.
  • Send another TransOrder with the IsUpdateShipmentOnly element.

The TransOrder interface together with the IsUpdateShipmentOnly element supports uploading a slightly modified TransOrder and has it update only the Shipment/SShipUnit. IsUpdateShipmentOnly indicates that the TransOrder should update the shipment only, and not the order base information.

Note: To update date fields with NULL values, submit a value of '~' in the date element(s) of the inbound TransOrder XML.

Using the IsUpdateShipmentOnly element can help you reduce the need to implement a separate SShipUnit or ActualShipment interface. The use of this flag with the TransOrder interface is restricted as follows:

  • The original order base should have been created using the ShipUnitDetail (not the TransOrderLineDetail).
  • The information you can update is restricted to the SShipUnit element. The TransOrderHeader is ignored, and none of the other Shipment related information is updated.
  • The specific S_Ship_Unit(s) to be modified are identified by using the ShipUnitGID in the new TransOrder and searching for the related Release/ShipUnit (via the OB_SHIP_UNIT_GID on SHIP_UNIT table) and then the Shipment.ShipUnit(s) (via the SHIP_UNIT_GID field in the S_SHIP_UNIT table). The search requires those reference pointers to exist.

Delete Orders

Required Data


You control validation of incoming transmissions with the glog.integration.validation.orderinterface property.

What Data Goes into the Transmission?

  1. Set the TransactionCode to D.
  2. If you do not know the GID of the record you want to delete, you can use integration saved queries instead.
  3. If you want to change the level of validation for this transmission, you can include a processing instruction to set the desired level. By default, TransOrder validation is turned on.
  4. See the Order Base Manager for a description of the fields.
  5. See the TransOrder Diagram in the XML schema to learn which elements are required. To view the diagrams use an XML application like XML Spy.

Transmission Results

  1. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud receives your transmission and starts to process it internally.
  2. Depending on what kind of record you are deleting an agent might start. For example, if you are deleting an Order Base, the public Order Base - Delete agent starts.
  3. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud raises events that in turn can trigger notifications to be sent.

Error Messages

You cannot delete an order that is assigned to a shipment after a service provider accepts a tender on the shipment. If you try to do this, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud might send a TransmissionReport stating the problem.

If you receive a TransmissionReport, check for integration messages.

Bulk Plan Orders

Required Data

You must create a saved query that points out the order releases you want to include.


You control validation of incoming transmissions with the glog.integration.validation.orderinterface property.

What Data Goes into the Transmission?

If you can keep all your TransOrders within one transmission follow these steps:

  1. Set IsProcessInSequence=N.

    This ensures maximum performance because Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud can process TransOrders belonging to different order bases in parallel.

  2. Include all TransOrders that should be bulk planned.
  3. Create an order release for every TransOrder either with IsShippable=Y and omit the ReleaseInstruction, or with IsShippable=N and include a ReleaseInstruction.
  4. Include a Topic element as the last element in the transmission to start the bulk planning. Set TopicArgName to 'savedQuery' and TopicArgValue to a Query_Name. The saved query must point out the Order Releases you want to include.
  5. In the GLogXMLElement holding the Topic element, include a ProcessInfo element with WhenToProcess=END_OF_TRANSMISSION.

    This tells Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud to wait to start the bulk planning until the end of the transmission.

    Note: Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud plans all order releases that match the saved query, not just the ones within the transmission.
    Note: The Topic element must be the last element in the transmission. If it is not, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud will plan incorrectly.

If you cannot keep all your TransOrders within one Transmission follow these guidelines:

  1. For every transmission with TransOrder, set IsProcessInSequence=N.
  2. Create an order release for every TransOrder either with IsShippable=Y and omit the ReleaseInstruction, or with IsShippable=N and include a ReleaseInstruction.
  3. For every TransOrder that Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud should bulk plan later, set the ProcessingCodeGID to NOPLN.

    If you instead set the ProcessingCodeGID to PLN on each TransOrder in a transmission, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud bulk plans these orders on each transmission. Also, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud cannot supply a bulk plan history in this case.

  4. When Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud has received all TransOrders to be bulk planned, send a Topic element as the last element in the transmission to start the bulk planning. Set TopicArgName to 'savedQuery' and TopicArgValue to a Query_Name. The saved query must point out the Order Releases you want to include. If you want to supply your own bulk plan ID, in addition, set TopicArgName to 'bulkPlanID' and TopicArgValue to your desired bulk plan ID.

    To be reasonably sure that Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud has received all your transmissions, allow sufficient amount of time between sending the last TransOrder Transmission and sending the Topic element.

    Note: Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud plans all order releases that match the saved query, not just the ones within the last transmissions.
    Note: The Topic element must be the last element in the transmission or group. If it is not, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud will plan incorrectly.

Transmission Results

When Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud completes the bulk planning, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud sends the results of the bulk plan in a BulkPlan element.

Error Messages

If you receive a TransmissionReport, check for integration messages.

Incrementally Release TransOrder Line from Existing TransOrder

In this scenario, you already have a TransOrder with a large amount of goods in a TransOrderLine in Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud but now you want to release small amounts of that TransOrderLine with multiple subsequent TransOrders.

To incrementally release TransOrderLines from an order already in Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud via an integration transmission, do the following:

Required Data



You control validation of incoming transmissions with the glog.integration.validation.orderinterface property.

What Data Goes into the Transmission?

  1. Make sure the public Order Base - Modify - Incremental Release agent is active.
  2. Send a transmission of the record and enter the transaction code U in the TransactionCode element.
  3. All your TransOrderLines must be marked IsShippable=N.
  4. Always keep IsShippable=N between all these TransOrders.
  5. Include a TransOrderHeader/ReleaseInstruction to release a fraction of the amount specified on the original TransOrderLine. If you omit the ReleaseInstruction element, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud only saves your order base since you have IsShippable set to N.
  6. For each modified TransOrder you send, update the ReleaseInstruction/SequenceNumber and make it unique. If you do not, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud keeps the old releases but replaces the content of the release instruction.
  7. See the Order Base Manager for a description of the fields.
  8. See the TransOrder Diagram in the XML schema to learn which elements are required. To view the diagrams use an XML application like XML Spy.

Transmission Results

  1. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud receives your transmission and starts to process your transmission internally.
  2. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud starts the public Order Base - Modify - Incremental Release agent.
  3. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud raises events that in turn can trigger notifications to be sent.

Error Messages

If you receive a TransmissionReport, check for integration messages.

Send TransOrder from Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud

Required Data



You must have created the external system you want to send to.

How To Send the Transmission?

In the Order Base Manager.

In the Process Manager, Send Integration Page.

What Data Goes into the Transmission?

Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud includes all data specified for the order base.

Transmission Results

Error Messages

Processing Codes

When you send an order to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud, you can indicate whether you want Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud to perform planning functions on it. If Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud plans orders, it creates shipments from the orders and then executes the shipments as soon as it receives them. If you want to execute orders into shipments at a particular time or after you receive a certain number of orders, do not run the planning function.

Control the details of planning orders in Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud in the Agent Manager.

In the ProcessingCodeGID element, enter one of the following values:

  • NOPLN: Instructs Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud not to plan shipments form the order. This is the default if you omit this element.
  • PLN: Instructs Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud to plan shipments from the order release. Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud will plan multi-stop shipments if appropriate. You must have your TransOrder set up to create an order release for this to work.
  • MSPLN: Obsolete.