Fleet Management

NAT/NAL Override

This page is accessed via Fleet Management > Driver Management > Driver Manager > Actions > Fleet Management > Driver Position > NAT/NAL Override.

Use this action to change the next available time (NAT) or the next available location (NAL) for driver availability. You can also provide the NAT/NAL based on the Driver Calendar Events and shipments. The associated agent action is Update Hours of Service State.

When the page opens, the NAT/NAL are pre-populated based on the driver.

Overriding a Driver's NAT/NAL

  1. Select Manual (selected by default). This allows you to manually enter the next available time and next available location below.


    Driver Calendar Event.
    If you select this option and click Apply, the calendar's event end time gets populated in the Next Available Time and the Calendar Events Location populates the Next Available Location. If you change the NAT/NAL the calendar's event end time will not be updated even though it used the calendar's event end time to populate the next available time.


    Last Assigned Shipment
    (this option does not appear if the last driver assignment record is a non-shipment record). If you select this option, the end time of the shipment gets populated for the Next Available Time and the last stop becomes the Next Available Location. If you change the Next Available Time, the shipment is not updated with this change. If the shipment's end time changes due to a redrive, the NAT and the driver intent will not be changed.
  2. Edit the Next Available Time and/or Next Available Location if necessary.
  3. Enter any desired Remarks. The remarks are then included in the Description field of the Driver Assignment.
  4. The Driver Intent section is pre-populated with system calculated time remaining. You can choose to modify the Rule Begin Time and the Time Remaining against each rule. Each rule has a reset button. When you click reset, Oracle Transportation Management refreshes the respective rule populating the maximum possible time remaining for the rule, although it does not reset the driver begin time. This section appears whenever HOS rules are associated with the driver. This association is made through the HOS Rule Set on the rate service on the rate offering on the driver. If there is no rate offering on the driver, then the rate offering is obtained from the Driver Type if there is a Driver Type on the driver.
  5. Click Finish.

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