Fleet Management

Location Asset Inventory Manager

This page is accessed via Fleet Management > Visibility > Location Asset Inventory.

Use this page to track asset inventory. You can also create new buckets to track your inventory. Buckets represent the status of an asset at the indicated location. For example, if you have 12 pieces of equipment on hand at one of your locations, you could use the location asset inventory manager to show the location, the asset type (equipment), and what bucket it is in (on hand). For each bucket you can keep track of how many assets are available. In the previous example, you have 12 on hand. However 3 of those might move to the different bucket of "in transit" when the equipment is on the road.

Note: Location asset inventory is not updated for a driver with a fixed power unit and fixed equipment.

  1. Enter a Location Asset Inventory ID.
  2. Enter a Location.
  3. Select an Asset Type.
  4. Enter an Equipment Type.
  5. Select a Domain Name.

Buckets at Location

  1. Click New Bucket to add new buckets.

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