Business Process Automation

Auto Assignment Rule

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Auto Assignment Rule.

The Auto Assign Rule Manager can be used to assign data on business objects upon creation or modification based on configurable, user-defined business rules. It can be used to define changes that are to occur when a business object is modified via the user interface, integration, or planning.

Use this page to configure basic rule information such as auto assign data type and pre-qualification criteria to test whether the rule for a business object should even be considered by the auto-assign logic.

Note: The logic for auto assign rules impersonates the domain of the object being created unless the following business property is set to False:

  1. Enter a unique ID for the rule as the Business Number Generator does not automatically create an ID for this business object.
  2. Optionally, record a Description as additional information about the rule.
  3. Select the Stop After 1st Assignment check box to have the rule considered as complete as soon as it writes data. For example, you can create a rule that automatically populates involved party data for any new order base based on specific criteria (that you define on the Criteria tab). Multiple conditions may be evaluated to pass and therefore assign multiple involved parties. Checking "Stop After First Assignment" tells the rule to stop processing as soon as one condition passes and an involved party is assigned. It usually makes sense to sequence the rule definitions when doing this.
  4. The Auto Assign Type ID determines the business object and the data that you want to assign. For example, you could assign an involved party complete with contact, qualifier, and communication method to any new order base that is created. You can also use criteria to make more specific assignments such as assigning involved parties based on orders shipped to a particular location or region, and so on. For a list of valid values

    Your assignment type choices are limited to various data fields on specific business objects. To see valid values, see Auto Assign Type ID.

    Note: After you save a rule, the Auto Assign Type cannot be changed.

  5. Use the Category field to group rules for search and retrieval. Enter any text to define a new category and then assign that category to multiple rules that belong in the group. For example, you may create various rules for involved party assignments and create a category that groups all the rules and returns them as a result of the search.
  6. Select the Active check box to turn on the rule and have Oracle Transportation Management immediately start processing the rule when object is created or modified.
  7. The Run on Create check box causes the rule to be run on an object when it is first created. Although you can also specify a create event in the Events section yielding the same end result, the Run on Create check box will run the rule more efficiently.

Pre-Qualification Criteria

You can optionally use this section to construct criteria to eliminate a rule from being considered for processing.

  1. Select the All check box to test all values that come from a business object. This can be used for criteria that have more than one piece of information on the business object such as Order Release Packaged Items. For example, an order release may have several different packaged items. If All is checked, all of those packaged items must pass the condition. If unchecked, only one of them has to pass for the rule to run.
  2. The data choices in the Pre Qual Criteria ID field are driven from the Auto Assign Type that you selected. Subsequent fields are driven from the pre qual criteria that you selected. For example, if you selected an Auto Assign Type of Order Base Priority and a Pre-Qual Criteria ID of Priority, additional fields appear. There is a conditional operator field with the options: Between, Is Null or Is Not Null. If you select Between, you can enter a range. If the Priority on the order release falls within this range, the order release will be updated with the value entered on the definition tab. If you select Is Null, if there is no value in the Priority field, the order release will be updated with the value on the definition tab. If you select Is Not Null, if there is any value entered on the order release, it will be updated with the value on the definition tab. You can further define this by using the fields on the Criteria and Definition tabs.


You can map an agent to an auto assignment rule so that if a business object is changed, the auto assignment rule will run. For example, if you have created an auto assignment rule that specifies a particular involved party for shipments to or from a specific location, when that location is changed, an agent can trigger the auto assignment rule to change the involved party.

It is important to remember the following:

  • the business object being monitored/changed must be in the same domain as the auto assignment rule
  • the auto assignment rule can only modify data that either was originally set by the rule or was null, i.e. if you manually enter data, the auto assignment rule will not change it when the business object is modified.
  1. In the Events section, enter an event in the Event field or click the search (search) icon to search for an event.
  2. Click information beside the Parameter field to open the Events Parameter window. Use the fields in the Event Parameters window to add additional details.

    Note: The contents of the Event Parameters window will vary based on the selected event.

  3. Click Save to close the Events Parameter window.
  4. Click Save to add the defined event to the grid.
When finished with this tab, continue with the Criteria tab.

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