Operational Planning

Bulk Plan Diagnostics

OTM provides several means for diagnosing a bulk plan run. OTM Logs are the most widely used and offer the ability to research both solution quality and performance issues. In addition to logging, OTM has Planning Diagnostics that provide useful information regarding the decisions made during various steps in the bulk plan. You can also use graphical diagnostics.


  • Logs: Logs are a great tool to research a problem in bulk plan. It is important to get the right amount of logs – too much logging will make it extremely difficult to navigate to the exact issue and too little logging information may not be enough. For details, see Bulk Plan Logs.
  • Planning Diagnostics: Planning diagnostics provide a systematic view of the logic and the decisions that OTM makes during the bulk plan process. Diagnostics are meant to provide the reasons as to why a certain step failed. For example, if an order failed to plan due to a service time violation, the diagnostics can provide this information. This is very valuable as you can quickly understand what caused the failure and correct the problem.
  • Ask Oracle - Container Optimization: This is a way to test container optimization and load configuration via XML files.
  • Bulk Plan Caches: OTM caches various data and computed results to improve bulk plan performance. However you may not get good performance if frequently used caches have insufficient capacity.

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