Operational Planning

Bulk Plan Solution Quality Tuning

You can tune the Oracle Transportation Management bulk plan functionality based on the following sections of logic that run when you run a bulk plan to build shipments:

  • Order bundling logic controls how order releases or order movements are placed into order bundles.
  • Direct shipment building controls the building of direct shipments for an order release bundle through a multi-leg network or building a single stop shipment (one pickup and one drop off) for an order release or order movement bundle.
  • Container optimization logic controls the optimal equipment combination for packing a set of ship units and the placement of ship units into pieces of equipment and their compartments, etc.
  • Multi-stop shipment logic controls the building of multi-stop shipments.
  • Continuous moves logic controls the building of continuous move tours.
  • Network Routing logic determines which paths order releases take through itineraries and networks.

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