Transportation Intelligence

Transportation Operational Intelligence Data Visualization

The TI Data Visualization project uses the Transportation Intelligence subject area and displays various service provider metrics.

This project is located in the catalog in Shared Folders/FTI Data Visualization

Business Spotlight

This project is located in the catalog in Shared Folders/FTI Data Visualization/Business Spotlight

The DV project contains the following graphs:

Shipment - Enroute

This graph shows the number of OTM invoices for each Status Value for the Status Type of ENROUTE.

OLTP tables used for data are SHIPMENT_STATUS, STATUS_VALUE, and STATUS_TYPE. For the status type of ENROUTE, the graph displays all status value XIDs except for ENROUTE_COMPLETED.

Shipment - Secure Resources

This graph shows the number of OTM invoices for each Status Value for the Status Type of SECURE RESOURCES.

OLTP tables used for data are SHIPMENT_STATUS, STATUS_VALUE, and STATUS_TYPE. For the status type of SECURE RESOURCES, the graph displays all status value XIDs except for the following:


Invoice - Approval

This graph shows the number of OTM invoices for each Status Value for the Status Type of APPROVAL.

OLTP tables used for data are INVOICE_STATUS, STATUS_VALUE, and STATUS_TYPE. For the status type of APPROVAL, the graph displays all status value XIDs except for the following:


Order Release - Planning

This graph shows the number of OTM shipments for each Status Value for the Status Type of PLANNING.

OLTP tables used for data are ORDER_RELEASE_STATUS, STATUS_VALUE, and STATUS_TYPE. For the status type of PLANNING, the graph displays all status value IDs except for PLANNING_EXECUTED – FINAL.

Using as the Home Landing Page

You can create an enhanced workbench using this DV project and set it to show instead of the springboard. This section contains detailed steps to turn your home page into a spotlight of your business.

Setting up the DV Project

  1. Login as the DBA.ADMIN user.
  2. Go to Transportation Intelligence > Catalog.
  3. In the Folders pane, go to Shared Folders > FTI Data Visualization.
  4. Click on the "Business Spotlight" DV Project and in the Tasks pane, select Copy.
  5. In the Folders pane, go to Custom and in the Tasks pane, click Paste. The DV project is copied to the Custom folder where you can edit it and make changes. Also in this location, the project is not overwritten during an upgrade.
  6. Open the Business Spotlight project that you just copied into the Custom folder.
  7. Click on the Menu icon on top right corner ( three vertical dots) and select Data Actions.
  8. Update the <OTM_WEB_SERVER_WITHP> in the URL box for all the three data actions with web server host name along with protocol as shown below.
    1. Invoice Results
    2. Order Release Results
    3. Shipment Results

<OTM_WEB_SERVER_WITHP> signifies webserver hostname with protocol. Current PageURL is in the format <Protocol>://<WEB_SERVER>/dv/<OTM_WEB_SERVER_WITHP> replace with <Protocol>://<WEB_SERVER> of the current page or in case of malformed URL -> In the OTM URL with format <Protocol>://<WEB_SERVER>/GC3/..  use the <PROTOCOL>://<WEB_SERVER>

  1. Save the "Business Spotlight" workbook in the /Shared Folders/Custom
  2. Test the actions by clicking on any of the data points, eg: Shipment Enroute Chart, and right click on ENROUTE_ENROUTE.
  3. Then select Shipment Results Action. This action should redirect to OTM screen with shipments having ENROUTE_ENROUTE value for ENROUTE status type.

Note:  By default, DBA.ADMIN has access to the Transportation Operational Intelligence subject area. The "Business Spotlight" DV Workbook can be edited only if the user has access the Operational Intelligence Subject Area.

Note: After the changes, customer can take a back-up of the updated project by using the Archive utility.

Creating the Workbench

Next, you create an enhanced workbench layout that contains your Business Spotlight DV project.

  1. Go to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Enhanced Workbench.
  2. Click Create Layout.
  3. Enter a Layout ID.
  4. Select the WORKBENCH DEFAULT logic configuration.
  5. Select the Auto Refresh check box and set the Auto Refresh Interval to 5 minutes.
  6. Click OK to create the layout.
  7. To define a new pane, hover over the Layout Configuration icon to see the content editor menu and click Add Content.
  8. Select a Component Type of Data Visualization.
  9. Enter a Tab Name and Project Path (for example, /@Catalog/shared/Custom/Business_Spotlight). And click OK.
  10.  Click INSERT ICON (Done Editing).

Setting as the Home Landing Page

Finally, you set your user preference to use the new workbench layout as your home page.

  1. Go to Preferences > User Preferences.
  2. Edit the user preference that is used by your domain.
  3. Select a Name of Home Workbench Layout ID.
  4. Select a Value of the workbench layout ID you created above.
  5. Click Save and Finished.
  6. Sign out and then back into OTM to apply the user preference. When you log in, you see that the Business Spotlight workbench is now your home page.

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