Business Process Automation

Communication Methods

Communication methods come pre-defined in Oracle Transportation Management. Additional ones cannot be added. The only edit allowed is to mark a communication method for an involved party. Edits can be made on the Communication Methods page accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Event Management > Communication Method.

Note: You need to be a DBA to edit a communication method.

  • AUD: Select AUD if you are using this contact to set up an audit trail.
  • AUTO: Cannot be used for sending notifications.
  • BY CONTACT: Using By Contact pulls the communication method indicated on the contact that is used as an Involved Party. So, if you put Contact ID XYZ on the order base, and select By Contact as the communication method, Oracle Transportation Management pulls the communication method directly from the XYZ record in instances where you are allowed to enter a communication method directly on the record.
  • EDI: Electronic Data Interchange, a standard message type used by the transportation industry. Select this method if you want a translation tool to convert XML messages to an EDI format. This option is only valid for Web Tendering.
  • EMAIL: Send messages to anyone with a valid email address. To use this method, enter the complete email address of the party to be notified in the Email Address text box on the previous tab.
  • FAX: Forward messages to any FAX machine. This feature requires that FAXmaker software has been installed and configured on your computer. You must also enter a valid FAX number in the FAX field. There are related glog.fax Properties.
  • FTP: Sends outbound integrations (XML) by File Transfer Protocol rather than Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

    Note: FTP is not supported.

  • HTTPPOST: Send messages to a remote Web Server, to be posted to a message board or status screen. This method allows XML code to be used as direct input into a remote server. If you select this method, you must select the External System ID of the remote Web Server. Currently, this option is only available when operating through an Integration interface.
  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response): This works similar to Fax in that the system sends email messages to a gateway sever and the gateway sever is responsible for converting and delivering the message. There are some IVR properties that need to be set to use IVR.
  • MANUAL: If you select this method, you are required to notify parties without the aid of Oracle Transportation Management. This method is commonly chosen when the user is communicating via telephone.
  • Message Center: The Message Center allows you to send messages to any Oracle Transportation Management user. If you choose this method, you must also enter the User ID of the person to be notified. This is the same User ID that the notified party uses to log in to Oracle Transportation Management.
  • QUEUE: Notify via Oracle Advanced Queuing (OAQ). Integration XML sent out via an OAQ.
    • Note: Oracle Advanced Queueing (OAQ) is no longer supported and will not function.

  • REST: Use to send outbound interface messages as REST resource formats in the application/JSON media type. See the REST API Guide for more details.
  • SERVICE: Notify via a Web Service. The ability exists to send out integration XML via a Web Service call associated with the external system.
  • SMS (Short message service): This works similar to Fax in that the system sends email messages to a gateway sever and the gateway sever is responsible for converting and delivering the message. There are some SMS properties that need to be set to use SMS.
  • WEB: Cannot be used for sending notifications.

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