About Report Emails

The distribution of reports via email has been standardized to use the Oracle Transportation Management Mail engine. This provides scalability and fault tolerance for messages as Tomcat and WebLogic run threads are no longer tied up waiting for an SMTP server. Instead, emails with report attachments are queued up in a transport SMTP queue and handled via Oracle Transportation Management event infrastructure. If distribution is web-based, the queue can only be seen via a thread dump; if application-based, the EventDiagServlet can be used to view and control pending report emails. If many reports queue, though, it may increase the memory footprint as queued mail requests will contain the embedded report in memory.

Note that report e-mails are generated from a number of sources:

  • Run report with Email delivery method. This attaches a report to ad-hoc email addresses. You can select a report format.
  • Schedule report. This attaches a PDF report to ad-hoc email addresses. Creates a Report-Ready notification.
  • Print Document agent action. This action generates reports for a report set. Creates a Report-Ready notification.

The Report-Ready notification generates an email that attaches or links to a report. It uses the following properties to determine how to package up the report:

  • glog.notify.report.security=<1|2|3|4>
  • glog.mail.maxContentSize=<# of bytes> (Note: This is reserved property and can only be modified via the glog.properties file. This property cannot be modified for the Cloud.)

Note: All reports are generated in the locale of the logged-in user. This is inconsistent with the notification subsystem as notifications are generated in the locale of the recipient contact. It's possible to receive a Report-Ready email in one language where the report is in another.

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