Cooperative Routing

Aggregation Summary

This page is accessed via Cooperative Routing > Lane Aggregation > Aggregation Summary.

An aggregation is the result of the Cooperative Routing aggregation process, in which shipments from a projects's shipment sets are aggregated by source/destination region, time bucket, currency and commodity into Lane Volume Aggregates and Lane Volume Forecasts. The aggregation results contain information about the results of a particular aggregation process run.

The results data is informational and cannot be modified.

Note: When the aggregation process is launched, it deletes all existing lane volume aggregates and forecasts for the project. For this reason, the aggregation ID is not needed for aggregates and forecasts.

Viewing Aggregation Data

Following is a list of fields on the page:

  • Aggregation ID: Identifier for the aggregation results. Generated when aggregation is launched.
  • Domain Name: Domain for the aggregation.
  • Project ID: Project for which the aggregation was launched.
  • Start Time: Time that the aggregation process was launched.
  • End Time: Time that the aggregation process finished.
  • Number of Shipments: Number of shipments used to create the aggregates. This includes shipments that make-up outliers.
  • Number of Aggregates: Number of lane volume aggregates created during aggregation.
  • Number of Outliers: Number of lane volume aggregates that were labeled as outliers.
  • Number of Forecasts: Number of lane volume forecasts created during aggregation.

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