Cooperative Routing

Solution Manager

This page is accessed via Cooperative Routing > Route Analysis > Solution.

The cooperative routing (CR) solutions results data summarizes the results of a particular CR solver run. A CR route may have additional costs such as deadhead but has savings in other areas. The solver takes the forecast data and puts together various options and routes. It looks for the best combination while comparing fleet costs and historical costs.

The data returned cannot be edited. This data only reflects the results of the solver run, not any subsequent changes or commits made by the user.

Following is a list of fields found on the page:

  • Solution ID: This is a unique system-generated identifier for the results of a solver run.
  • Scenario ID: The scenario for this solver run.
  • Project ID: Project for this solver run.
  • Domain Name: Domain for this solver run.
  • Status Code: Indicates the status of the run and includes in-process statuses. While processing the status will be Running or Running: Intermediate Solution. Upon completion, either Successful or If unsuccessful, either Unsuccessful: Infeasible or Unsuccessful: No solution reached in allotted time.
  • Start Time: Time the solver was launched.
  • End Time: Time the solver finished.
  • Num Iterations: The number of column generation iterations during the solver run.
  • Number of LV Forecasts: Number of lane volume forecasts brought into his solution. This is the same as the number of forecasts in the project. This is done on a region basis. You could have fewer forecasts than shipments depending on how your regions are set up. If you have shipments from Phila, PA and Pittsburgh,PA going to Buffalo, NY and NY, NY; the number of forecasts will be different if your region is city to city that if it is state to state. Generally, you will have fewer aggregates and forecasts than shipments. If there is a period with zero shipments a zero volume aggregate is created.
  • Total Volume: Total volume of the forecasts brought into the solution. This is not a count of the shipments, but a sum of the forecasted volume. The project parameters, i.e., the minimum and maximum, etc., may affect the forecasted volume on the lane volume forecast which will impact this since this is a sum of the volume.
  • Number of CR Routes: Number of routes created by the solver.
  • Total Volume: Volume on CR routes created by the solver. Not all volume from the lane volume forecast that goes into the CR Solver ends up on CR routes. This is the total volume on the CR Routes (see number of CR Routes above).
  • Avg Route Volume: Average volume per CR route created by the solver. The volume of the CR, times the number of legs (not including deadhead legs) equals the total volume. The average CR volume is the total volume divided by number of CR routes divided by average number of legs in the CR route.
  • LV Forecasts on CRs: Number of forecasts that are at least partially covered by CR routes created by the solver.
  • Total Residual Volume: Total volume not covered by CR routes created by the solver.
  • Total Cost: Total cost of the solver solution. CR costs are driven by CR Fleet which includes such costs as Per Day Cost and Per Distance Cost. This includes deadhead. Not all forecasts end up in CR so cannot use costs from CR Fleet. Residual cost is used in that case. The residual costs sum up costs for forecasts that did not end up in CR routes. This is historical data.
  • CR Cost: Total cost of the CR routes created by the solver.
  • Residual Cost: Total cost of volume not covered by CR routes, i.e., market cost.
  • Total Savings: Total savings of CR solution over market cost. It is the difference between what you expect to pay without CR compared to the actual total cost of the solution.
  • CR Leg Savings (%): Total savings divided by the cost if every forecast were at market cost. What savings did I get from the actual data used. May have a lot of data that did not used that you don't want to take into consideration. This does not include forecasts that were not used.

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