Business Process Automation

Document Use Profile

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Document Generation > Document Use Profiles.

Document use profile defines upload security for users. This profile can be set for all users in a particular domain and overridden by particular users in the domain.

Adding a Document Use Profile:

  1. Enter a unique Profile ID.
  2. If you want to allow the user to upload documents, select the Uploads Allowed check box.
  3. If you want to indicate that the user is trusted to upload documents, select the Uploads Trusted check box.
  4. If you want to specify the maximum upload size, enter the number in the Maximum Upload field. If this is left empty, a document can be large.
  5. If the user's browser supports virus checking, select the Browser Virus Protected check box.
  6. Select the domain in which this profile will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  7. Click Finished.

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