Shipment Management

Edit Service Provider and Cost

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Group Management > Shipment Group > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Groups and Charges > Edit Service Provider and Cost.

Use this action to assign a different service provider and costs to all the full shipments that are part of the shipment group. The selected service provider is populated on the shipment group as well.

The service provider should have the Allows Spot Rating check box selected or this action will fail.

The action will be performed on all the full shipments of the group or none.

Note: You can configure the maximum number of shipments in a group for which the action can be performed using the property glog.shipgroup.shipments.count.EDIT_SERVICE_PROVIDER_AND_COST. If this property is not set, then the value mentioned for the property glog.shipgroup.shipments.count.allActions is considered.

Changing Service Provider and Cost:

  1. Enter a service provider in the Service Provider ID field.
  2. Enter a new cost for the shipment group. Enter a value in the Cost field. The cost becomes the base and total cost unless you enter additional costs in the following section.
  3. To enter a different currency, select a currency from the drop-down list.
  4. If you want to enter multiple cost lines, populate the section with the cost details. The new total cost will be the base cost and sum of the other costs entered in the section.
  5. You can click the Analyze Carrier Scorecard to view historic data. This opens the relevant dashboard.

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Shipment Group