Shipment Management

Split Shipment Group

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Group Management > Shipment Group > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Groups and Charges > Split Shipment Group.

Use this action to split full or partial shipments (full or partial) from an existing shipment group to a new shipment group. Performing this action will copy all reference data (like reference numbers, remarks, involved parties, etc.) of the existing group to the new shipment group.

Note: You can configure the maximum number of shipments in a group for which the action can be performed using the property glog.shipgroup.shipments.count.SPLIT_SHIP_GROUP. If this property is not set, then the value mentioned for the property glog.shipgroup.shipments.count.allActions is considered.

Splitting Shipment Group

  1. Select a shipment group from the Shipment Groups results page.
  2. Click the action Split Shipment Group.
  3. Select the check boxes corresponding to the shipments with which you want to create the new shipment group. These shipments will be removed from the existing parent shipment group once the process of splitting is completed.
  4. Click Split. The results page will display the parent shipment group and the newly created shipment group.

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Shipment Group