Order Management

Pool-Cross Dock Itinerary

Select the Pool-Crossdock Itinerary check box to identify an itinerary as one that uses the legacy Pool-Crossdock logic.  Such an itinerary still can be used to model a single leg scenario for direct multistop shipments, though there are other recommended ways to model this scenario.  The legacy Pool-Crossdock logic primarily allows the use of a single-leg itinerary for planning of orders through consolidation or deconsolidation pools and/or a single crossdock.  This is a legacy alternative to using multi-leg itineraries with Network Routing or Cost Based Routing.

We suggest having only one pool-crossdock itinerary for a given geography because, if an order matches more than one "Consolidation (Multi-stop) Itinerary", Oracle Transportation Management plans an order through only one of these itineraries. The one that is used is based on the total weight of orders matching each itinerary in that bulk plan. There are also exceptions to this. For example, if an order fails to plan via the first selected "Consolidation Itinerary", the planning logic will try to plan that order using the next matching "Consolidation Itinerary". You can also have "Consolidation Itineraries" with overlapping geography if a single order will only match one of them. For instance, you could have two "USA TO USA" type itineraries where one of them covers hazardous commodities and one does not. Assuming all orders contain only hazardous or non-hazardous materials, only one of these itineraries will match each order.

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