Contract and Rate Management

Process Control Menu

When adding or editing a process action, you can define a process control menu. Defining a process control menu on a process action, adds that action to a process control menu. If the start or end time for a process falls after of the user's expiration date, the process will not be scheduled. Similarly, if the process has a recurring time that extends indefinitely, it will not be scheduled if the user has an expiration date.

The inclusion and display of a process on a particular Process Management screen depends on:

  • Parameters passed to the glog.webserver.processcontrol.ProcessServlet servlet in the user menu link. These include:
    • application: defines a subset of processes based on functionality.
    • userLevel: allows or restricts processes within an application based on a security level.
  • Properties mapping the application to a menu header. The menu header maps to the top level item in the process control menu hierarchy.
  • Properties restricting or including processes for a specific user level. E.g., Under Configuration and Administration > Process Management, you may want to include Schedule Purge only on a menu with userLevel=dba.
  • The definition of descendant processes for an application based on Process Action menu specifications.
  • Translations set up for each hierarchical level specified in the Process Action menu specification.

Consider the following example. The standard menu adds a Process Management menu link under Order Management. The link is given by:


By specifying an application of OrderManagement, the menu is requesting only order-related processes be included in the Process Management menu.

If menu subheaders are specified, processes will be grouped under matching subheaders.  The process name will be shown as a link. When clicked, the user is taken to a screen to execute or schedule the action.

Note that you must supply translations for any new menu header, menu subheader or process name. The translation key is assumed to be in the form:

  • processControlLabel.<normalized menu header>
  • processControlLabel.<normalized menu subheader>
  • processControlLabel.<normalized process name>

where normalization means replacing all spaces with underscores.

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