Shipment Management

Radius Logic

Here is how the radius fields on the itinerary parameters page are used during the multistop pairing logic:

  • For all order bundles from both multistop shipments, find the root bundle, i.e., the order bundle that has the longest distance. Suppose this bundle belongs to Shipment 1.
  • Compute the pickup radius as follows:
    • If the Max Radius for Pickups is set, but Max Radius Percent for Pickups is not set, the Max Radius for Pickups is used.
    • If the Max Radius for Pickups is not set, but the Radius Percentage for Pickups is set, the source radius will be Radius Percentage for Pickups * root distance.
    • If both are set, the source radius will be the smaller of Max Radius for Pickups and Max Radius Percentage for Pickups * root distance.
  • Otherwise, no pickup radius.
  • Compute the delivery radius similar to pickup radius to get delivery radius.
  • Take all the bundles from Shipment 2 and do following:
    • If source radius is defined, compute the distance from each bundle's source to the root source, if any exceeds the source radius, stop pairing.
    • If delivery radius is defined, compute the distance from each bundle's destination to the root destination, if any exceeds the delivery radius, stop pairing.

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