Shipment Management

VIA Locations

These fields are entered via Shipment Management > Itinerary Management > Itinerary Manager. From the List Legs tab, click New Leg.

VIA Locations are entered on an itinerary and used when rating and routing international shipments by marking rates with matching VIA Locations as valid. VIA Locations refer to ports that the shipment must pass through as part of the itinerary leg. For example, if an itinerary is set up as Pittsburgh for the source and London as the destination, then New York could be set up as the VIA Source Location because the shipment would go from Pittsburgh to London via New York. If, however, an itinerary was set as London for the source and Pittsburgh as the destination, then New York could be set up as the VIA Destination Location.

Itinerary legs can have both a VIA Source and VIA Destination set up for them. For example, if an itinerary was set up as USA for the source and UK for the destination, then New York could be set up as the VIA Source Location and London could be set up as the VIA Destination Location.

Multiple VIA Source and VIA Destination Locations can be set up on the same itinerary. In this case, you would set up a profile that would list the possible VIA locations. For example, if an itinerary was set up as USA for the source and London as the destination, then a Northeast USA VIA Source Location Profile could be set up with New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore set up as possible VIA Source Locations.

  • VIA Source Location ID: Used when only a single VIA Source Location is valid.
  • VIA Source Location Profile ID: Used when a list of valid source VIA locations are valid.
  • VIA Dest Location ID: Used when only a single VIA Destination Location is valid.
  • VIA Dest Location Profile ID: Used when a list of valid destination VIA locations are valid.

Note: Via Location Profiles on a leg should be set up with some care. If both the VIA Source Location Profile and the VIA Dest Location Profile include many locations, then the number of VIA location combinations may be excessive. If this is the case, orders that do not specify Port of Load or Port of Discharge constraints may cause excessive run-time when being planned. The property sets a threshold so that any order that has too many VIA location combination options will not be planned on that leg, in order to avoid excessive run-time.

Note: OTM does not read the Profile field when a Location field is populated and vice versa. The VIA Source Location ID field should not be used when a VIA Source Location Profile is used. The same is true for the VIA Destination Location ID field. Either use location for both or location profile for both. Do not mix them.

Note: When using a source or destination via point (port of load or port of discharge) on the shipment, you cannot use a rate record that has a source or destination via point that does not match.

When setting up VIA Source Locations and VIA Destination Locations, there is a rule that the planning logic follows to disqualify certain itineraries. The rule states that when an order source is a port, itineraries with VIA Source ports will be disqualified. This is because orders with a port source will not need a VIA location to transport through. The same rule applies to destinations. There are times, however, when you would not want this rule to apply. In these cases, you would use the Trans-shipment Arbitraries Search Type field. The choices are:

  • Source/Destination: The above rule will not be followed by the planning logic for either VIA Sources or VIA Destinations.
  • Source: The above rule will be followed for VIA Destinations, but not followed for VIA Sources.
  • Destination: The above rule will be followed for VIA Sources, but not for VIA Destinations.

VIA Points as Shipment Stops

If you set the parameter ADD RATE VIA POINTS AS STOPS to true, the application adds the Port of Load and the Port of Discharge from the rate record as stops to a shipment, provided adding these VIA points do not make the shipment time infeasible.

VIA points can be added as shipment stops only if the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. It is not a multi-leg scenario.
  2. The rate service must be of type "LOOKUP".
  3. If the VIA source location profile or the VIA destination location profile defined on the rate record have multiple locations, the first alphabetic location is picked to be added as a stop.
  4. If the order has a port of load/port of discharge already constrained, then that must be considered.

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