Shipment Management

Setting Load Unload Points

Load and Unload Points are specific loading and unloading points assigned to a location. It provides a detailed view of the location, giving the precise point to load and unload cargo. For example, if your location is a distribution center, then your load points could be docks 1-5, and your unload points could be docks 6-10. Load and unload points are defined in the Location Manager.

This page allows you to set load/unload points. The selections that appear in the lists are taken from the load/unload points assigned to the locations you are currently working with. For example, if you are in the Order Release manager and the source location is BOS and the destination location is LAX, then the load/unload points defined for BOS and LAX will appear in their respective lists. If no load/unload points are defined for a location, then the list will be empty.

Similarly, you can define load/unload points when using Plan From and Plan To Locations.

Note: Plan From/To Location fields let you override the default alternate location from which an order will be sourced/delivered for transportation planning purposes. This default is defined as the Substitute Location in the Location Manager.

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