Sync Shipped Quantity with Order

This page is accessed via Order Management > Order Release > Actions > Order Management > Utilities > Sync Shipped Quantity with Order.

Use this action to unassign a shipped quantity from a shipment and create an order movement.

This action is applicable only:

  • To order releases with an order configuration of ONE TO ONE
  • When order is planned on one leg shipments

Since order configuration is ONE TO ONE, any order release line is built into one ship unit with ship unit count of 1. Assume that the sum of total package count from all shipment ship unit lines is m. When you apply shipment actual, m is modified to m1.

Note: m1 is the sum of total package counts from lines of shipment ship units built from the same ship unit and marked as actual received.

This action creates a new shipment ship unit with ship unit count of 1 and a shipment ship unit line with item total package count of m – m1 where 0 < m1 < m and associates the shipment ship unit to a new order movement parallel to the shipment.  When m1 = 0 i.e, order is not yet planned or no actual has been received, or m1 > m (planned more than ordered), no new shipment ship unit or new order movement will be created.

If an order has multiple lines, multiple shipment ship units are created, one for each line. One order movement is created to hold all the shipment ship units.

A shipment ship unit is considered to be actualized or actual received if its column is defined by planning parameter: FIELD NAME FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED has value equal to that defined by planning parameter: FIELD VALUE FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED. For example, if FIELD NAME FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED = “RECEIVED_SHIP_UNIT_COUNT” and FIELD VALUE FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED = "1", then any shipment ship unit whose RECEIVED_SHIP_UNIT_COUNT field has value of 1 will be considered actualized.

The system displays an exception under the following scenarios:

  • Order is not planned on any shipments.
  • If the planning parameters FIELD NAME FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED or FIELD VALUE FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED are not defined.
  • If order is planned on multi-leg shipments.

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