Licenses and Registrations

About License Screening

Oracle Global Trade Management (GTM) License Management is designed for companies with highly regulated items that often require licenses and/or other types of authorizations to import or export. Licenses are required in certain situations involving national security, foreign policy, short supply, nuclear nonproliferation, missile technology, chemical and biological weapons, regional stability, crime control, or anti-terrorism. An example is the export license required from the U.S. Department of Commerce – Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Export Administration Regulations (EAR) when exporting items with Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) 3A001.a to India due to National Security (NS) reason.

License screening helps you to comply with regulations that control international trade by:

  • Allowing the definition of compliance rules that govern trade
  • Automating the process of screening license and license exception rules, and putting on hold transaction with compliance controls
  • Allowing the process of screening license exception rules and releasing transaction holds
  • Allowing manual release of controls after performing any required due diligence or any other evaluation process that requires  human intervention

License and license exception screening helps you to improve productivity by:

  • Automating identification of reasons of controls or exception on transactions
  • Automating identification of eligible licenses
  • Automating the process of license assignment
  • Maintaining all the restriction information on a license (e.g.: approval date, expiration date, involved parties, ports, products covered by the license, product classification codes, etc.) in a central repository

You can:

  • Set up compliance rules in GTM including all the parameters and the resulting controls.
  • Screen against trade transactions to identify applicable license rules and apply the corresponding controls.
  • Screen against trade transactions to identify applicable license exceptions and apply the corresponding exceptions.
  • Set up licenses in GTM including all the information specified on the license issued by the government agency.
  • Assign licenses to trade transactions automatically or manually.
  • Manage two types of license assignment: License reservation and actual assignment. Reservation can be used during the booking and early steps in the fulfillment process, while actual assignment can be used at the time of shipping when the actual quantities involved should be known.
  • Maintain and view accurate license balances (Authorized/Reserved/Used/Available values).
  • Decrement or increment the quantity and/or values depending on the type of transaction (e.g.: return from customer, export transaction, etc.).
  • Perform re-evaluation of licenses downstream in the fulfillment process to verify whether a license is still eligible.

Note: License Management is intended to support static licenses. It is not intended to support dynamic creation of licenses based on transactions and/or declarations.

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