Master Data

Additional Information

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Declarations > Additional Information.

Additional information is used to send other important information related to the declaration. Usually a code is used to identify what kind of information is being sent and then additional text can be added for the specific declaration. In the European Union, additional information data corresponds to box 44 on the Single Administrative Document.

Use this page to add any kind of additional information that can be used on a declaration line before customs filing.

Adding Additional Information

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Additional Information ID field.
  2. Enter the name of the information in the Name field.
  3. Enter the code of the information in the Code field.
  4. If desired, enter a description in the Description field.
  5. Enter detailed information in the Text field.
  6. Select the Modifiable check box if you want to edit this text in the declaration line manager page.
  7. Enter an ID in the Declaration Type Profile field to add profile details.
  8. Select a domain in which this information will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  9. Click Finished.

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