Master Data

GTM Content Source

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Data Loading > Content Source.

Use this page to define the list of the countries and trade data being supported, the details of the content received from a third-party content provider, and how it is mapped to the GTM structure. You can specify information about your third-party content providers in the configuration section. This includes details such as URL and login credentials. GTM will use this information when it is time to update your content files. GTM ships with a public content source that you can use to download data related to restricted party screening, product classification, Rules of Origin, etc. If there is a data type you want to use that is not listed but is supported by the content provider, you can add it to the public content source.

On the Content Source UI, the Content Source Data Type grid must be configured with the details of what you want to download. The Content Source Data Type grid provides a mapping between the data the content provider sends and how GTM refers to this data. The Source Data Type and Source Country ID fields are the data type and the source country provided by the external provider. The Content Type field identifies the type of content to be downloaded and is set up in GTM (i.e. HTS-US, ML-US, RESTRICTED_PARTY, RULES OF ORIGIN, etc.). The "Supported" flag can be used to turn on or turn off the subscription for that data type. The system will only download files for those data types that have a check mark to indicate they are turned on.

At the bottom of the Content Source UI, the Configuration grid must be configured with the external system location and communication method (for example HTTPPOST) indicating how it should be downloaded.

Note: When multiple types of data are selected within one content source, the data loading exercise can be resource intensive.

Note: The best practice would be to split the types of data or group data type subscriptions into multiple content sources and schedule them to run at different times. For example, you could have one content source for restricted party data, a second content source for product classification data such as HTS or ECCN, and a third for Rules of Origin data.

Adding a Content Source

  1. Enter an ID in the Content Source ID field.
  2. Enter the name of the source in the Source Name field.
  3. Select the domain for which this source will be used from the Domain Name drop-down list.

Content Source Data Type

  1. Enter a sequence number in the Sequence field. This number determines in which order this data will be loaded if multiple data types are being downloaded.
  2. Enter the data type from the data provider's status document in the Source Data Type field, for example ECCN. You can find the data type on the content provider's status document.
  3. Enter the country ID from the content provider's document in the Source Country ID field.
  4. Select the Supported check box if the data type is compatible with your system.
  5. Enter the corresponding content type ID in the Content Type field.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Finished. The content source is saved.

Note: You can add as many content source data types as you need.


Click New Content Source Config to open the Configuration window.

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