Master Data

Mark for Purge

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Data Loading > Data Version > Actions > Mark For Purge.

As an administrator, you can perform a purge based on age of data, status information or domain name. You can purge downloaded data content (RPL, product classification codes, etc.) using the standard GTM purge capability available. This process is performed in two steps:

  • You can identify and mark the data version to be purged using the Mark For Purge action available on the Data Version page.
  • You can then run the Schedule Purge process which deletes all related data of a particular data version. The purge process identifies all data versions that are marked for purge and checks for references. If there are no references, the purge process deletes the data version and all its data from the child tables. You can configure your data content purge process to take place immediately, during the next scheduled process or on a specific day and time.

Note: Normally with every new download of the content type of restricted parties, GTM updates the existing data version. In this scenario, you may not be interested in purging the data version. But if you want to create a fresh list of restricted parties in a new version, then it is better that purge the old data version. Generally, the purged data version is more useful with the downloaded content type of “product classification” since every new download process creates a new data version and the old data version expires.

Different transaction tables are checked during the purge process of data version related to Restricted Party and Product Classification.

For Restricted Party related data version purge, the process checks for references in the GTM_PARTY_SCREENING table.

For Product Classification related data version purge, the process checks for references in the following tables:


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