Master Data


This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Compliance Rules > Regime.  

In GTM, a regime defines a set of rules or regulations related to a specific subject that must be followed when importing or exporting. Regimes can be multilateral (e.g. international), regional, domestic, or interstate.

Use this page to add a new regime or to update existing information.

  1. Enter an ID in the Regime ID field.
  2. Enter the name of the regime in the Name field.
  3. Select the category of this regime from the Category drop-down list.
  4. Enter a date in the Effective From Date and the Effective To Date fields to specify the duration when the regime will be effective.
  5. Enter an ID in the Regulation Reference ID field.
  6. Enter an ID in the Exchange Rate ID field.
  7. Enter an ID in the Override Exchange Rate ID field.
  8. Enter a value in the Exchange Rate Tolerance field. This value represents the maximum amount of variation to be considered acceptable when comparing the primary and secondary exchange rates.

    Note: If you do not define both an exchange rate and an override exchange rate, GTM will use the default exchange rate when doing currency conversions.

    If you only provide an exchange rate or an override exchange rate, GTM will use the rate provided to find the latest rate for the current date and then use that rate for conversion calculations.

    If you define both an exchange rate and an override exchange rate, GTM will use the exchange rate to find the latest rate for the current data based on both selections. Then it will calculate the percentage difference between the two. If the percentage exceeds the exchange rate tolerance the override exchange rate will be used for the currency conversion. If the percentage does not exceed the exchange rate tolerance, the value entered in the Exchange Rate ID field will be used for the currency conversion.

  9. Enter the currency that will be considered by default for this regime in the Default Currency ID field.
  10. Select the domain in which this regime will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  11. Click Finished.

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