
Assembled-to-order Transaction

An ATO (Assembled to Order) transaction is one where the high level line items of the order are made up of one or more child level components or line items. The order itself is sent to GTM with a flat line item structure but there is an inherent hierarchical relationship between the line items.

For such an ATO transaction, only the lowest level line items have a product classification associated with them. Accordingly, the roll-up product classification logic calculates the product classification for the higher level line items based on the product classification codes of the lower level line items and a few other attributes associated to the line item.


  • GTM Transaction Line is a data query type you can use in setting up agents and agent actions.
  • Condition attributes can be used to guide the classification process of child and parent transaction lines. These control attributes are available only for GTM Transaction line agents. These rules will evaluate as true or false based on whether the transaction line being evaluated matches the product classification criteria.
  • FOR/ENDFOR actions allow the set up of GTM Transaction agents to evaluate and classify the transaction lines.
  • There is an action Assign Remark to Transaction Line for GTM Transaction Line agents.
  • There is an action Assign Classification to Transaction Line for GTM Transaction Line agents.
  • A new action, IF - Line Item, has been added for GTM Transaction Line agents.
  • Since the ATO rollup logic is only available to agents, RUN_AGENT_GTM_TRANSACTION has been added as an action definition in the Action Manager. This addition enables you to run the agent from within the GTM user interface.
  • The GTM TRANSACTION TO LINE data type association uses a JAVA plugin for top level (parent) transaction lines.

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