Business Process Automation

CSV Export

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Data Import/Export > CSV Export.

Use this page to export data in CSV format or as a script of insert statements.

Note: To avoid accidental open queries potentially filling up the disk space, CSV export sizes are limited by default to 512 MB .

You can export a variety of data for a variety of reasons. For example, you may want to export data from a test environment to production after testing the data. In this case, you would: export all configuration data from test to production, select the Config table set, use the xcsvwpcd command, and select rc as the remoteCommand. The Config table set includes agent actions, agent events, event groups, business monitors, external systems and itineraries among others. You can modify/view the contents of the Config table set by using the Table Set manager.

Note: Some browsers such as Chrome and Safari may not support viewing the XML. In these cases, try viewing the frame source in your browser.

Exporting Data

Note: The Remote Instance option has been deprecated and is no longer supported.

  1. Select what you want to export from the Export Object Type drop-down list. The option you select here determines the field label for step 6. Additionally, if you chose "Export Query Results", the Command field is limited to "XCSV".
  2. Select where you want the data to be placed from the Output Destination drop-down list. The options are Browser, Remote Instance (which is deprecated and no longer supported), and File on Local. You can click the Copy Text button when viewing in your browser to copy the output into the clipboard.
  3. If you would like this process to run in the background, select Y from the Run Job in Background drop-down list. You must provide your email address and SMTP host on the next page if you select Y.
  4. Click Run. The next page is displayed. The fields on this page vary depending on your selections for the above fields.
  5. Choose a Command from the drop-down list. If you chose "Export Query Results" in the Export Object Type field, the Command field is limited to "XCSV". You can select to include CSV files only (xcsv) or export CSV files with parent and child data (xcsvwpcd) or with just parent or just child data. The xcsvwpcd option exports child-data in multi-table CSV format along with each parent table and also exports referenced foreign key data in a sequence suitable for importing while honoring foreign key relationships.
  6. Select the Schema to which your data belongs. A database contains a number of tables, indexes, constraints, etc.. Collectively, the definition of these items is known as the database's schema. The schema determines what tables you can export.
  7. Select what you want to export. This field name is either Table Name or SQL Query depending on your selection in step 1. If you select a table and the table has a child table associated with it, the child table is exported as well. For example, if you select the Agent table, the Agent Actions Detail table is also exported.
  8. By default, public data is excluded. You can include it by changing the Exclude Public list box.
  9. If you intend to use an "xcsvw" output as input to another system, set the Use As Import to Yes. To get the full output without the filter, set this field to No.
  10. Enter an expression in the Where Clause to limit your search within the table. For example you can enter DOMAIN_NAME='GUEST' or rownum<3. You can also combine the two like this DOMAIN_NAME='GUEST' and rownum<3.
  11. If you selected the deprecated "Remote Instance" as the Output Destination, enter the Remote Host, Remote User, Remote Password, From Domain, To DomainRemote Command, and Remote Host Version for the remote Oracle Transportation Management server.
  12. If you selected "Y" for the Run Job in Background field, enter an Email Address and SMTP Host so you can be notified when the process is complete.
  13. Click Run. Oracle Transportation Management displays the results page, or if you selected "File on Local", the file is downloaded to your local machine. The Run button is disabled after you click it while the process is running, If it remains disabled after the process completes, refresh the screen. 

Note: Oracle Transportation Management does not display elements that are empty in the database.

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