Business Process Automation

Generate an XML Template

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Integration > Integration Manager > Generate an XML Template.

Use this process to generate an XML template based on either an element in the XML schema or on the data for a particular element. This template serves as a guide for what to include or exclude when you generate outbound XML. If you do not use the XML schema, you can specify the ID of a particular element in your database. For example, if you select the XML element of Location, then you can specify which location, like PHL or LAX, in your system. Once you designate the specific value for the XML element, the data in the record specified will be used as the basis for generating the template.

Generating an XML Template

  1. Select the Use XML Schema check box if you want to generate the XML template using the schema. Selecting the check box will limit the other options available to you for generating a template. You will only be able to specify an XML element. If you select this check box, then every value in the schema, for the indicated element, will be placed into the template.
  2. Select an XML Element ID from the drop-down list. If you have selected the Use XML Schema check box, then this will be the only option for you to follow. Whichever element you select, as it is defined in the schema, will be the basis for the new template.
  3. If you are not using an XML schema, designate the value for the XML element you are using. For example, if you are using the XML element of Location, then you could enter PHL into the Object ID to Query field. Then the XML you generate would not just be based on Location, but also the structure of the specific location you indicate in this field.
  4. Select the Include Data check box if you want the data from the specified value for XML Element to be populated in the generated XML. For example, if you indicated a location of PHL, then the address and location information for that location will be included in the generated XML.
  5. When you generate XML and some of the XML element structure has null values in it, the null values will be included in the generated XML unless you select the Include Null Data Element. For example, if you are working with the location of PHL, that location may not have longitude or latitude included in the data. If you select the Include Null Data Elements check box, then the generated XML would include a section for longitude and latitude even though the sample element did not have any value present for those elements.
  6. If you select the Format check box, the XML you generate will be formatted with new lines and indentation.
  7. Click Submit to generate the XML template.

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