Integration Messages

You may find these error messages in a TransmissionReport element. (


Occurs When:

Corrective Action:

public final static String Invalid Date Format Text = "THE DATE ELEMENT {0} WITH VALUE {1} IS NOT OF FORMAT YYYYMMDDHHMMSS";

public final static String Invalid Date Format Text = "THE DATE ELEMENT {0} WITH VALUE {1} IS NOT OF FORMAT YYYYMMDDHHMMSS";

Enter the date using the required format.

public final static String dataConversionErrorText = "DATA CONVERSION FAILED FOR THE ELEMENT {0} WITH VALUE {1}";

A data conversion error occurs when character data cannot be converted to an internal data type.

Eliminate extraneous characters from the data element.

public final static String duplicateKeyErrorText = "THE ELEMENTS {0} WITH VALUES {1} IS A DUPLICATE PRIMARY KEY";

A duplicate key error occurs when the primary key for a given element already exists in the Oracle Transportation Management database.

Change the Transaction Code element from I to IU.

public final static String PKNotFoundErrorText = "THE PRIMARY KEY ELEMENTS {0} WITH VALUES {1} COULD NOT BE FOUND IN TABLE {2} COLUMNS {3}";

A primary key not found error most often occurs when an attempt is made to update or delete data that does not exist in the Oracle Transportation Management database.

If your Transaction Code is U, then use UI instead. If your Transaction Code is D, then there is no corrective action.

public final static String FKNotFoundErrorText = "THE FOREIGN KEY ELEMENT {0} WITH VALUE {1} COULD NOT BE FOUND IN TABLE {2} COLUMN {3}";

A foreign key not found error occurs when a referenced primary key does not exist in the Oracle Transportation Management database.


Correct the XML data value such that it refers to a primary key that does exist in the Oracle Transportation Management database.

public final static String missing RequiredElementErrorText = "THE REQUIRED ELEMENT {0} IS MISSING";

A missing required element error occurs when a required element has been omitted from a GLogXML element.

Provide the missing required element in your XML data.

public final static String ITransactionNoNotFoundErrorText = "THE I_TRANSACTION_NO WITH VALUE {0} DOESN'T EXIST IN THE DATABASE";

An ITransactionNoNotFoundError occurs when a GLogXMLElement, such as a Tender Response, refers to a transaction number that does not exist in the Oracle Transportation Management I_TRANSACTION table.

Refer to an existing transaction number.

public final static String invalidTransactionCodeErrorText = "THE TRANSACTION CODE {0} is not valid. Valid codes are I,U,D,IU,UI,NP";

An invalid transaction code error occurs when the Transaction Code element is specified with an invalid value.

Specify a valid Transaction Code in your XML data.

public final static String transactionCodeNotSupportedText = "THE TRANSACTION CODE {0} IS NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS INTERFACE. VALID CODES ARE {1}";

A transactionCodeNotSupported occurs when the TransactionCode element is specified with an unsupported value.

Correct the XML data to specify a valid TransactionCode.

public final static String conflictingElementErrorText = "THE ELEMENT {0} AND THE ELEMENT {1} CANNOT BOTH BE SPECIFIED";

A conflicting element error occurs when two elements have been provided in a G-Log XML Element, when only one out of the two may be used.

Eliminate one of the two conflicting elements in your XML data.

public final static String invalidNumberFormatErrorText = "THE NUMBER ELEMENT {0} WITH VALUE {1} IS NOT IN A NUMBER FORMAT";

An invalid number format error occurs when non-numeric characters are specified in a numeric element.

Eliminate the non-numeric characters in your XML data.

public final static String missingElementErrorText = "WE REQUIRE A {0} ELEMENT WITH VALUE {1} IN THE {2} ELEMENT";

A missing element error occurs when an element with a particular value is required.

Provide the element with the required value as indicated in the error message.

public final static String invalidBooleanErrorText = "THE BOOLEAN ELEMENT {0} WITH VALUE {1} MUST BE EITHER Y or N";

An invalid Boolean error occurs when a Boolean element is provided with a value other than Y or N.

Provide either Y or N in the indicated Boolean element in your XML data.

public final static String invalidActionCodeErrorText = "THE ACTION CODE {0} is not valid. Valid codes are A, D";

An invalid action code error occurs when an action code is specified with a value other than A or D.

Provide either A or D in your XML data.

public final static String invalidCodeErrorText = "THE ELEMENT {0} WITH VALUE {1} is not valid. Valid codes are {2}";

An invalidCodeError occurs when a code is specified that is not valid for that element.

Correct the XML data to provide a valid value.

public final static String invalidActivityErrorText = "THE ACTIVITY {0} is not valid. Valid codes are D, P or O";

An invalidActivityError occurs when an activity is specified with a value other than P, D or O.

Correct the XML data to provide anyone of D, P or O.

public final static String transactionProcessorExceptionText = "CAUGHT THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTION WHILE PROCESSING TRANSACTION: {0}";

A transaction processor exception occurs when the integration layer validation method has not checked for a given error condition, and the condition is caught by the underlying database. Most often this error occurs when an attempt is made to update the Oracle Transportation Management database so that one or more database referential integrity constraints are violated. For example, this error occurs if you attempt to delete a transportation order after one or more releases have been created.

No particular correction can be defined. Analyze the error based on the requirements of the data in the underlying database.

public final static String maxLengthExceededErrorText = "ELEMENT {0} VALUE {1} HAS LENGTH {2} WHICH EXCEEDS THE MAX LENGTH {3} OF TABLE {4} COLUMN {5}";

The length of an element value exceeds the length of the corresponding database column.

Correct the XML data to provide a value which does not exceed the maximum length.

public final static String maxLengthExceededErrorText3 = "ELEMENT {0} VALUE {1} EXCEEDS THE MAX LENGTH {2}";

The length of an element value exceeds the length of the corresponding database column.

Correct the XML data to provide a value which does not exceed the maximum length.

public final static String validateMaxLengthErrorText = "ERROR VALIDATING MAX LENGTH OF ELEMENT {0} VALUE {1} - CHECK TABLE NAME {2} COLUMN NAME {3}";

The specified table/column information could not be found.

Call Support.


A transaction success informational message occurs when a transaction has been successfully processed.

No action needed.

public final static String matchMultipleShipmentErrorText = "UNABLE TO PROCESS DUE TO MULTIPLE SHIPMENTS MATCHED ON {0}";

A match multiple shipment error message occurs when ShipmentRefnums/EquipmentNumber match different Shipment_Gid. This type of error happens when receiving a TenderResponse or a ShipmentStatus.

Correct the XML data to provide ShipmentRefnum values which correspond to the same shipment.

public final static String missingRequiredDataErrorText = "WE REQUIRE A {0} ELEMENT WITH A VALUE MATCHING A {1} IN THE {2} TABLE";

A missing required data error occurs when an element with a particular value is missing from the database table.

Correct the database data to provide the value as indicated in the error message.

public final static String orderNotModifiableText = "ORDER {0} IS NOT MODIFIABLE AND SO COULD NOT BE MODIFIED OR DELETED.";

An order not modifiable informational message occurs when the status on an order is not "WKFLW_ORDER_OB_MODIFIABLE". This can occur if an order is in a state that restricts it from being modified, or an agent is set up to restrict modification.

If you want to be able to modify the order, you may have to change the state of the order or modify the agent that handles order modifications.

public final static String reDoTransmissionErrorText = "UNABLE TO raiseNewXMLTopicsForRedoTransmissions, STACK TRACE: {0}";



public final static String savedQueryNoDataFoundErrorText = "THE SAVED QUERY {0} RETURNS NO DATA";

The saved query in the SShipUnit element did not return any values.

Verify that the integration saved queries are correct and that the desired ship units exist.


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