Business Process Automation

Retrieve WSDLs

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Integration > Integration Manager > Retrieve WSDLs.

Click on the link adjacent to one of the following to view and save the respective WSDL.

By expanding the service item, such as ShipmentService, any related XML schema definition files are displayed. The web services all use literal encoding which means that the input and output message content will be defined by XML schema types in the related XSD files. These XSD files will be referenced in the service WSDL file as imported files and so must also be available for developers to determine the valid XML format for the input and output messages for the services. The files can be viewed or saved using the hyperlink.

You can override the host and port that is present in the WSDL for each of the OTM/GTM web services by setting the glog.integration.wsdl.url property.

All of the WSDLs are described in the user interface.

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