Configuration and Administration

User-Defined Fields

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manager Layout. Select a manager layout to edit. Go to the Details tab. Select the option button to the left of the field to be configured. Select the Edit icon.

Oracle Transportation Management can configure a field within a manager layout by changing a field's basic attributes. Each field in a manager layout is unique based off the type of field being configured. Therefore, not all fields have the same attributes available to them when being configured.

Field Attributes

Below are field attributes you can change in Oracle Transportation Management when configuring a manager layout.

Note: When you select a field to configure, Oracle Transportation Management defaults the field to its current attribute settings.

  • Allow Negative Values: If marked, the field can accept negative values.
  • Allow Mixed Case: If marked, Oracle Transportation Management permits the case the data is entered in to remain as originally entered.
  • As Entered: If marked, the data remains in the format it was originally entered in as. Otherwise, the field defaults to the user preference settings.
  • Default Value: The default value that is displayed if the field is empty when creating a new object.
  • Display Unit: If marked, shows the unit of measurement on the user interface. For examples, LBs, USD, or KM.
  • Field Size: Sets the length of the field on the user interface. The smaller the number, the less space the field will take up on the user interface.  
  • Fixed List: If marked, sets the field as a limited drop list on the user interface. This will then be a user-defined, fixed list. For example, you can enter location roles to be roles that you use. You may prefer Ship From instead of Dispatch Location. Enter what you want displayed on the user interface in the Display field. Enter what will be saved to the database in the Value field. Click the Add Option button to enter in the value and display name. This is used for text fields and location roles. To delete an option, select it and click Delete.
  • Hide Search: If marked, the Search (Search icon) icon is not shown on the user interface.
  • Hide New: If marked, the New (New icon) icon is not shown on the user interface.
  • Hide View: If marked, the View (View icon) icon is not shown on the user interface.
  • Label: Names the field on the user interface. Changing the Label attribute allows each field to be described in a way most useful for the business needs. Configuring the label attribute is case sensitive. For instance, a label name entered as " ShipMENT name" appears on the user interface as " ShipMENT name."
  • Max Characters: Describes the number of characters permitted when entering data in a field.
  • Max Value: Sets the maximum number value a field can have.
  • Min Value: Sets the minimum number value a field can have.
  • Precision: If marked, sets how many decimal places are displayed for the field on the user interface.
  • Read Only: If marked, makes the field a read only field on the user interface.
  • Replace GID: Allows you to display the names of locations and items instead of the GIDs. Selecting this check box displays the Value to Replace GID list. This check box appears only if you have configured the glog.webserver.queryBy property for the specific query related to the field.
  • Required: If marked, makes the field mandatory on the user interface. When marked, a red star " * " appears next to the label name on the user interface.
  • Show: Indicates that the field will be displayed and not hidden. You must provide a default value if you clear the Show check box, i.e. hide the field. If a field is hidden the cell containing the field will be gray.
  • Use Default Value For Edit: The value that appears in this field, when you are editing an object with this field, is the default value. If the field is read-only, it will be set to the default value.
  • Value to Replace GID: This field is displayed only if the Replace GID check box is selected. If you have set the glog.webserver.queryBy property for the field you are configuring, then you will be able to choose the value with which to replace the GID, such as item/name or location/name. On the finished, instead of the GID being displayed, the name of the location or item will be displayed.

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