Logistics Network Modeling

Aggregate Scenario Results

This page is accessed via

  • Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Project > Actions > Aggregate Scenario Results
  • Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Scenario > Actions > Aggregate Scenario Results

The Aggregate Scenario Results action displays the modeling shipment metrics associated to the modeling scenario/project and shows the aggregate results. It is very useful for the multiple scenario bulk plan feature in logistics network modeling as it shows consolidated results of all bulk plans that ran for the modeling scenario/project.


  • Orders Planned: Sum of all order releases planned for all bulk plans in this scenario.
  • Shipments Built: The sum of all modeling shipments built for all bulk plans in this scenario.
  • Total Weighted Cost: Sum of the total weighted cost of all modeling shipments in the scenario.
  • Total Weight: Sum of the total weight of all modeling shipments in the scenario.
  • Total Net Weight: Sum of the total net weight of all modeling shipments in the scenario.
  • Total Volume: Sum of the total volume of all modeling shipments in the scenario.
  • Total Distance: Sum of loaded and unloaded distance of all modeling shipments in the scenario.
  • % Weight Utilization:
    1. Get total weight capacity by summing up the effective weight of the first equipment group for all modeling shipments in the scenario.
    2. The % weight utilization is (total weight / total weight capacity)*100.
  • % Volume Utilization: same as above but use volume fields instead.
    1. Get total volume capacity by summing up the effective volume of the first equipment group for all modeling shipments in the scenario.
    2. The % volume utilization is (total volume / total volume capacity)*100.
  • Equipment Reference Unit Utilization: Sum of the equipment reference unit utilization of all modeling shipments in the scenario.


  • Average Stops: Average of total number of stops / modeling shipments built
  • Average Distance: Total distance / modeling shipments built
  • Weighted Cost Per 100 <UOM>: Sum of (total actual cost /total weight).
  • Cost Per <volume UOM>: Sum of total actual cost / total volume
  • Cost Per < distance UOM>: Total actual cost / total distance
  • Weighted Cost Per Order: Sum of total actual cost / (total weight / 100)
  • Weighted Cost Per Shipment: Sum of total actual cost / modeling shipments built

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