Logistics Network Modeling

Parameter Override

With the Parameter Override screen you have the ability to select the parameter (either based on logic configuration or parameter set) and override the existing value with the newly entered value on this page.

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Parameter Overrides
  • Logistics Network Modeling > Power Data > Parameter Overrides
  • Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Scenario. Click the Add icon next to the Parameter Override field.

Adding a Parameter Override

  1. Enter a Parameter Override.
  2. Enter Parameter Override Details. Note that once entered, these cannot be edited, only deleted.
    1. Enter a Logic Configuration Type. If the logic configuration type is blank, you can select parameter qualifiers by clicking the Search button for Parameters. If a specific logic configuration is selected (e.g. MULTISTOP), you can select the logic parameter qualifier corresponding to the selected logic configuration type by clicking the Search button for parameters.
    2. The Parameter Group is added automatically and displays in View mode.
    3. Enter a Parameter.
    4. Enter the Value to be over-ridden.
    5. Enter a Logic Scenario. Logic Scenario field is set to default if no logic scenario is entered in case of overriding logic parameter qualifiers. For parameter qualifiers, the logic scenario is empty.
    6. Click Save.
  3. Click Finished after adding the required details to save the Parameter Override.

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