Business Process Automation

Monitored Events

The following monitored events can be assigned to milestones that are specially designed for use on milestone templates. These events let you model specific scenarios that require a time-based event, an event based on the number of times a condition occurs, mandatory events that are required to occur, and an out of sequence event for exception processing.

Note: Missing Sequence Milestone, Occur Date Out of Sequence, and Related Monitoring Successful events only apply to shipments. All other events can be raised by any business object associated with the milestone template.

Note: When searching in the system for the following events, they all start with "monitored shipment- " as a prefix.

  • Information Missing: This event occurs when trying to perform the action indicated by the dependency service.  For example, if the dependency service is TIME_OFFSET_BASED BASED ON EVENT OCCURRED_DATE and Oracle Transportation Management does not  have the date that the event occurred.
  • Max Occurrence Count Exceeded: This event occurs if the business occurrence count for a milestone exceeds its recorded event count limit.
  • Missing Mandatory: This event occurs when a milestone has its Mandatory check box marked and the last milestone has occurred at least once ( business occurrence count >= 1), and the mandatory milestone has not occurred ( business occurrence count = 0).
  • Missing Sequence Milestone: A predecessor milestone has not been received, including previous related milestones.
  • Occur Date Out of Sequence: A previous milestone's last event occurrence date is later than the milestone's last event occurrence date.
  • Out of Sequence: This event occurs if a milestone occurs at least once and its predecessor milestone has a Sequential Dependency Service, and if its predecessor milestone is mandatory,  and if its predecessor has not occurred ( business occurrence count = 0).
  • Related Profiling Successful: Monitoring is successful.
  • Time Based Event: This event is defined on a milestone when its Time Based Event check box is marked. This check box is marked on milestones that monitor an object based on an expiration date and a time reset offset. For example, you could create a monitor that checks whether an event has happened every number of hours or set an expiration on when the event should have occurred. You can define its Time Reset Offset and Expiration Date attributes on the Add Milestone page.

    Dependencies between milestones can also be time-based.
  • Tolerance Criteria Failed: This event is raised when you have a tolerance criteria specified which cannot be evaluated because required data is missing or invalid.

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