Shipment Management

About Obstructions

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Equipment Management > Equipment Group. Then click Add an Obstruction on the Equipment Group Manager.

The Obstructions section allows you to configure equipment groups that do not have a uniform rectangular cross-section. For example, there may be support pillars and other vertical objects going from floor to ceiling, or refrigeration units that are boxes on a wall, or tire wells. Obstructions can be specified for the equipment (compartment 0) or for individual compartments.

Here is an example of how you would configure a truck that has 6 obstructions; 6 posts, two on each side in the front, 2 on each side in the middle and 2 on each side in the rear. The posts are square. The first pole is in the forward left corner. The start width position for all the left posts are position 0, meaning flush against the left wall. All the posts are floor to ceiling. There are no compartments.

Compartment Number Obstruction Number Obstruction Name Start Length Position Start Width Position Start Height Position Obstruction Length Obstruction Width Obstruction Height
0 3 LEFT REAR POST 43.96 FT 0.00 FT 0.00 FT 0.82 FT 0.82 FT 9.19 FT
0 2 RIGHT FRONT POST 0.00 FT 7.55 FT 0.00 FT 0.82 FT 0.82 FT 9.19 FT
0 1 LEFT FRONT POST 0.00 FT 0.00 FT 0.00 FT 0.82 FT 0.82 FT 9.19 FT
0 6 RIGHT MID POST 22.50 FT 7.55 FT 0.00 FT 0.82 FT 0.82 FT 9.19 FT
0 5 LEFT MID POST 22.50 FT 0.00 FT 0.00 FT 0.82 FT 0.82 FT 9.19 FT
0 4 RIGHT REAR POST 43.96 FT 7.55 FT 0.00 FT 0.82 FT 0.82 FT 9.19 FT


If you use 3D Load Configuration, the obstructions are in gray so are visible.

By default, the 3D load configuration view uses built in 3D functionality.

Note: The Cortona VRML plugin has been deprecated. If necessary, you can configure the OTM Load Config action to use Cortona via the property glog.webserver.loadconfig.useCortona. The 3D viewer available in the Workbench does not support Cortona.

To display the 3D load configuration using Cortona, a VRML plugin is required for Microsoft Internet Explorer for 3D load configuration view. Cortona is not supported in Safari or in newer versions of Chrome.

Adding an Obstruction

  1. Click the Add Obstruction button. The Equipment Group Obstruction page opens.
  2. Enter a Compartment Number. If the obstruction is not specific to a compartment, accept the default of 0.
  3. Enter an Obstruction Number.
  4. Optionally, enter an Obstruction Name. The name is for reference only.
  5. Enter the coordinates for the obstruction. This is the length, width and height of the obstruction. Select the UOMs for the coordinates. The starting coordinate is from the forward left corner of the truck.
    1. Enter the Start Length Position.
    2. Enter the Start Width Position.
    3. Enter the Start Height Position.
    4. Enter the Obstruction Length.
    5. Enter the Obstruction Width.
    6. Enter the Obstruction Height.
  6. Click Save.

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